chapter six

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Alec had been staying with Magnus for a week now, and he had to say; it had been pretty great. His mother hadn't tried to contact him, as he thought she would, but he'd been seeing Jace and Isabelle frequently. He was still hurting, but time heals every wound. 

Life with Magnus had been soft and quiet, but Alec was starting to get cabin fever. He was used to going outside with his friends and not coming back until it was dark. His fingers skimmed along the counter top, sighing heavily. Magnus was working at the cafe today, and he didn't particularly want to hang out with Sebastian and his girlfriend.

Alec didn't mind Sebastian; he just had an off vibe about him. He also didn't want to third-wheel a couple, because he'd rather die.

He eventually, after passing his hand over every item of food in the kitchen, started to make a bowl of cereal, now feeling hungry from all of his sighing and boredom. Alec went to open the box, but then realised there was none left. He'd eaten all of it. "Fuck," Alec mumbled to himself, rubbing his chin.

Grabbing his coat, a spare set of keys, and his wallet, he headed off to any shop he could find. He only realised halfway down the street that he still had smiley-face pyjama bottoms on, his black coat covering his neck down to just above his hips. He also then realised that he was alone, outside, without anyone to protect him from his mother.

Alec tried not to panic, taking deep breaths, looking around for any shop that looked as if it would sell cereal. He eventually found himself outside the local cafe, and peeked in curiously, smiling as he saw Magnus making a coffee. Before he knew what he was doing, he pushed the door open, the small bell chiming over his head.

He walked over to Magnus cautiously, Magnus' eyes widening as he saw Alec. "Why are you in your pyjamas? I get off work in ten minutes, Alec. Couldn't you wait?" Magnus laughed, an amused smile creeping onto his face. Alec looked down at his bottoms, embarrassed. "We're out of cereal, and I was trying to find some. I ended up here."

Magnus smiled, "Do you wanna wait here, and I'll ask my boss if I can get off ten minutes early? I needed to go grocery shopping anyway." Alec nodded with a grin, glad that he was going to be out of the house more. Magnus went to the back, coming back a few moments later, looking satisfied enough to let Alec know that it went well.

 "Can I get changed, first? I look homeless," Alec stated as they walked down the pavement, Magnus letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, sure. I need to get my wallet from the apartment anyway," He replied, opening the complex as they headed up to his apartment. 

Alec threw on a hoodie and some black jeans, figuring that when they came back they would just chill. "How far is the supermarket?" Alec asked, as Magnus pressed the button for the elevator, both of them standing to wait for it. "About twenty minutes, by car. Have you ever been in my car?" Magnus asked with a smile, Alec shaking his head.

 "I'm sure it's magical," Alec grinned, the elevator doors opening before they stepped in. The doors shut again, Magnus asking Alec to press the ground floor button, which he did. Alec thought of the fact that he and Magnus hadn't done anything other than light kissing since the night at the club.

Even just thinking of that night made him physically flustered, Magnus noticing that he'd gone a pink colour in the face and looked embarrassed. "Are you okay?" He asked, amusement lacing his voice. Alec choked, "Yeah, um, just my thoughts wandering."

Magnus raised his eyebrows, a slight smirk tugging at his lips. "That's not suggestive at all," He said sarcastically. Alec's eyes widened, "No, not like that! I was just . . . thinking of the other night, is all." Magnus looked slightly taken aback by this, almost forgetting that night existed for a minute.

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