Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Alex's POV



The next morning...*

Weep weep, sniff * Tears rolled down my cheeks. I had fallen over while running and I broke my leg. It still hurts so much from yesterday. * Sniff *

Will- 'Nother tissue?

Alex- Yes thanks.

Will- Dont worry.

It was aching so much, but what I really wanted to know is why we suddenly started running to saftey, because Willow hadn't told me yet.

Alex- Willow why were we running away? * sob *

Will- YOU DIDNT SEE? Omg'eh, there was like this massive pack of creepers and skeletons behind us, just slowly creeping up on us! I only noticed they were there when I heard a skeletons bones. It was so big it was so so heart racingly amazing and completely freaky!

Alex- Whoa I didnt realise it was that big or bad! Whoa oh whoa! * sniff sniff * And can you please get me some ice for my leg?

Willow- Yep sure. Hows it feeling?

Alex- Better, but I dont think I will be able to walk around much. * sob *

Willow- Dont worry im sure with a bit of rest you will be better faster than you can say pom poms in tomato sauce!

Alex- Thanks for cheering me up.

Willow- No problem. I might actually go and grab some ferns to soak in boiling water and then harden them in sugar to wrap around you leg! Ill be back in 5 minutes.

Alex- Sure. Thankyou for the help!

Willow- Great. See you in a minute!



(Wills POV- )

I walked out the door with my shovel, my sword, and my axe. Not too far away I spotted something red dart off behind a tree into the deep, lush leaves of a tree. I saw some ferns near there too, so I decided to go and check out what was going on over there. I walked over, and dug out some ferns, which popped up in my inventory. I collected 7 ferns. Then I peeked behind the tree where I saw the red 'thing', to find another minecraft player standing there shaking in fear!

Willow- You poor thing! Whats wrong?

Minecrafter- Hello, please dont hurt me! Please dont!

Willow- Oh no I wouldnt! Dont worry! Whats your name?

Minecrafter- Oh, thankyou, its just i've been alone in Minecraft for so long I am so lonely, I am scared of anything I see. And my name is Niki.

Willow- Well Hello Niki! Im Willow.

Niki- Nice to meet you.

Willow- Do you have somewhere to live?

Niki- Uh, ... oh... um... no.

Willow- You can stay with me and my friend Alex! Alex is really nice. He will be glad to have another person to live with and meet:)

Niki- Thankyou so much! Where are you going?

Willow- Well, Alex actually broke his leg this morning when we were running away from a big group of mobs, so I have collected some ferns and now I need some sugar so I can wrap up Alex's leg.

Niki- Well its getting dark now, so we should go back to your house, because I have 16 sugar.

Willow- Wow your fantastic Niki! Thankyou!

Together we walked back to the house. I think I really liked Niki.

Will- Knock Knock! * opens the door *

Alex- *grunt* Hi.....

Niki- Wow this is a nice house!

Alex- Huh? * sits up, groans, lies back down* Whos that?

Niki- Hello... Um.. im Niki. Your friend Willow found me in the forest and said I could stay with you for a while.

Alex- Well, nice to meet you Niki. I cant wait to get to know you!

Niki- Me too!

Willow- Alex, we have some ferns and sugar for you, so we will be down stairs, cooking it up to wrap your leg in.

Alex- Ok thankyou Willow. Thankyou Niki :)

We walked down stairs and put some water to a boil. I dropped in the ferns, and left them there for 3 minutes. Meanwhile I had a chat to Niki. Niki is a very girly girl. She doesnt like to get dirty, she told me. We had a good chat, and after the leaves were soaked, we dipped them in a bowl on sugar, to make them- Crystalised fern leaves. We took all the leaves up to Alex to wrap around his leg. Niki and I wrapped up Alex's leg, nice and tight, and lifted him over to the bed. It was pitch black outside by now, so Niki took a look outside the window to check for any close by mobs, but all she could see was a zombie, far off in the jungle. I wondered where that large group of mobs that were following us were.

'Anyway...' I said to myself.

Will- Niki, lets get some sleep.

Niki- Ok, I dont have a bed though...

Will, well todays your lucky day, we keep a spare bed in that chest over there... Go grab it, you can place it with mine.

Niki- Thankyou Willow :)

Will- No problemo. Nighty night! Sleep tight! Dont let the spiders bite!

Niki- Haha! Night Willow.

5 minutes pass *

Niki- Willow... can I call you Will?

Will- * yawn * Yeah sure.

Niki- Ok.

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