The Hawk's Keep - Just A Job

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Chapter Four

Just A Job

I watched with wide eyes as the men drew the curtains closed and sat against the door with guns drawn. They were overly serious about this job. Sitting on the bed as quietly as possible I waited to see what would happen. Minutes ticked by without any sign of someone knocking on the door.

“Could-.” James got off the floor with barely a sound and placed a hand over my mouth.

“Shh, their outside our door.” he hissed quietly in my ear, holding me back against him. Jay didn't move from his position but I saw him hold his breath.

I'm telling you that no one has rented out this room!” someone cried from outside, voice muffled.

And I'm telling you that you are going to fucking this damned door!” someone else threatened. I turned my head to bury it into James's chest; scared.

“Shh.” he soothed, taking me down behind the bed, “Just be calm. Everything will be alright.”

I refuse!” eyes wide I waited for the sounds of guns. However they never came as sirens sounded not far off, “No get off of my property!”

Come on, Lilly. He ain't worth the time.”




I sighed in relief as Jay gave me the okay signal. We had dodged a big bullet and I knew more was to come. “you okay, bunny?” I questioned, turning to the shaking girl.

“Y-yeah.” she whispered, staring up at me with huge eyes and her head against my chest.

“Good.” standing I pulled bunny with me and kept her close as Jay packed all our things, “You paid the manager?”

“Yeah, him and the owner.” Jay responded, grinning, “Thought you might stay so I did what I could to help.” I slapped him on the back as we dressed Bunny up to look like a biker girl. She had long since dropped her human guise and now had white hair, red eyes and pale skin. She almost looked like a vampire, if those creatures actually existed. “Now this is a chick I dig.” Jay said as he stepped back.

Bunny stood in a pair of black jeans, black ankle boots, a white t-shirt with a playboy bunny on it(Jay's little joke) and a waist length leather jacket. Her pixy short white hair had been spiked and in her hand she held the package of contacts for her red eyes. “Looks good.” I admitted. Bunny blushed and scuffled her feet.

“T-thanks.” she stuttered and headed for the bathroom. Jay grinned and sat on the bed once the door was shut.

“You got the hots for her.” he stated bluntly.

“What?” I snapped around to stare at him. “The fuck are you yapping about now?” he snorted and gave me a pointed look, “Dude! She's a rabbit and I'm a hawk...even if I wanted to fuck her our creatures are completely different, my hawk could kill her during the rut.”

“James, James, friend you gotta loosen up. The hawk won't do anything like that unless he feels threatened. Elizabeth isn't a threat to him. Just stop letting the past come up, boy.” Jay said as he leaned back on his arms, “You'll never find a mate like that.”

“I know, I know!” James snapped, feeling his feathers ruffle with that comment, “But not with the job, I refuse to fuck a job.”




So I was a job? I wouldn't be anything more to him? Not that I wanted to lay with the stupid hawk anyway! Looking at my reflection I almost cried. What was wrong with me? Sure he was good looking and he had his tender moments but why did I not like the fact that I was nothing more than a job?

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