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"Oh, God, I'm nervous," Niall mumbles, standing in front of the mirror. "I'm soooo freeeeaking nervous." He scrutinizes himself, staring at his outfit. His outfit seems okay; he's wearing a knee-length pink skirt, and a white blouse.

"Ni, come on, you're gonna make us late!" Liam calls from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Niall calls back. He straightens his skirt one more time, and then makes his way to the kitchen. Liam stands there, glasses on, handing Niall a travel coffee mug. "You didn't put your contact lenses in," Niall notes.

Liam shrugs. "Feeling lazy this morning, plus I overslept a bit. You ready to go?"

Niall nods. "Sorry in advance if I throw up in your car. I'm really nervous."

"Come on. You'll be fine, I promise," Liam chuckles, putting an arm around his best friend's shoulders and leading him out the door. "Got your wallet, keys, phone?"

"Yes, Dad," Niall giggles, and Liam fondly rolls his eyes at him and leads the way to the car.

- - -

"I hate that we're doing this," Zayn tells Justin.

"I know you do, grumpy," Justin responds. They're both glued to the window, waiting to see when Niall will arrive. Zayn resisted at first, claiming that it was super creepy, but Justin argued that it wasn't that weird to want to see what the newest addition to their company would look like. "Oh, shit. Is that him?" He leans even closer to the window somehow, face smushed against the glass.

"You're an idiot," Zayn notes seriously.

"Your favorite idiot," Justin responds, which Zayn honestly can't argue with. They watch as a car stops in front of the building. Squinting, Justin can see there's someone in the driver's seat, and they kiss the blond's cheek before he gets out of the car. "Oh, Jesus Christ," Justin hisses weakly as Niall gets out of the car.

"He's going to kill us," Zayn says in a monotone voice. "We are actually going to die."

Justin leans back from the window just to put his hands over his face. "He's wearing a skirt. I'm gonna cry, Zayn."

Zayn has to laugh at Justin's dramatics. "That guy in the you think he was his boyfriend?"

Justin uncovers his eyes. "God, I hope not."

"Me, too," Zayn mutters. He pulls Justin into arms, just needing to hold him, and Justin immediately hugs him back.

"You okay?" Justin questions gently, voice muffled against the front of Zayn's shirt.

"Yeah. I just..." He kisses his husband's hair. "I love you, Justin."

Justin smiles. "I love you, too. Even if you are grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy. I'm never grumpy," Zayn replies as Justin gets off his lap.

"Sure, you aren't..."

", hi? My name's Niall Horan..I -- uh, someone, um, someone said I should ask you guys to show me where my desk is...?"

Both Justin and Zayn look up at the same time, and Justin actually has to brace himself on Zayn's shoulder so he doesn't fall straight off his desk. Niall is standing in the doorway, blushing so sweetly, bottom lip caught between his teeth. Justin can't even breathe, he just has to stare. This is easily one of the most beautiful humans he's ever seen.

"Oh, God. I'm seriously gonna cry," Justin mutters, so lowly that only Zayn can hear him.

Zayn stands up, straightens his jacket. "Hi, Niall. I'm Zayn Malik-Bieber and this is my husband, Justin."

Niall goes even pinker somehow. "Oh! Oh, my gosh! You guys are my bosses," he says, half to himself, and then manages a nervous giggle. The sound is so cute that Zayn has to dig his nails into his palm so he doesn't grab the boy and kiss him. "Um, it's so nice to meet you, sir," he says shyly, puts a hand out to shake Zayn's hand. Niall's hand is so tiny in Zayn's, skin so soft, Zayn wants to feel how soft his skin is everywhere else.

"I'll show you where your desk is," Justin offers quickly, and Zayn shoots a glare at him. Justin just winks back.

"Oh, okay! Thank you, sir," Niall blushes, and when he turns around to walk out of the room, Justin and Zayn both actually have to force themselves to look away from his butt.

"Jesus," Zayn hisses, which makes Justin laugh. He follows Niall out and shows him to his workspace.

"Um...sir, is it okay if I bring some stuff to decorate my desk?" Niall chirps. "Nothing too extravagant...just pictures, stuff like that?"

"No need to call me sir. Justin is fine," Justin grins, and he grins when Niall's cheeks go even pinker. "And sure, Niall, you can decorate your desk however you'd like. Pictures are fine...not too many of your boyfriend or girlfriend, okay?"

Niall ducks his head. "Oh...that won't be a problem. I don't have one," he giggles. "Thank you, though, sir -- oops, I mean Justin. I'm really excited to work here!"

"We're really excited to have you here," Justin replies, the most honest he possibly could be. Niall blushes again, of course, and beams up at Justin so adorably that Justin thinks his heart is going to beat out of his chest. "Okay, well, I'll let you get all set up. Give me or Zayn a ring when you're ready, we'll start your training, okay?"

Niall nods, still smiling, and Justin makes his way back into Zayn's office.

"Well, he doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend," Justin tells Zayn.

"How the hell did you find that out?"

"With my super sneaky detective skills," Justin answers proudly. Zayn just rolls his eyes, pulls his husband to him by his tie.

"Just because he doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't mean he likes guys. Or that he'd be interested in one of us, let alone both of us," Zayn points out.

"Hmmm...fair point," Justin notes. He loops his arms around Zayn's neck, fingers running through the short hair on the back of Zayn's head. "I'll just make him fall in love with me and leave you for him."

Zayn's jaw drops. "I cannot believe you just said that," he says, but he's obviously trying to hold back a laugh.

Justin shrugs. "It's the truth."

Zayn glares playfully. "I should make you pay for that."

"Do your worst," Justin laughs, glaring back, and he definitely pays for it when Zayn kisses the life out of him, making a point of biting his lip. He knows that guarantees Justin being turned on, and pulls back with a smirk. "You're a jerk," Justin pouts.

Zayn kisses his pouting lip. "You deserved it."

Justin just huffs, and then pushes back from his husband. "I love you, even though you're a tease."

"I love you, too, even though you're mean."

Justin pauses. "You know I was kidding, right?" he asks, suddenly a little anxious. "I'm not going anywhere."

Zayn pulls him back in. "Of course I know that," he says gently. "If anything, I'd be the one leaving you. Then I wouldn't have to deal with you threatening to divorce me every time you lose at Mario Kart."

Justin smacks his chest. "Who's being mean now!?"

Zayn just grins back. "Seriously, though, Jay. Niall's fucking adorable."

"I know," Justin groans. "I haven't even known him a day and I want him."

"Me, too."

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now