Twenty Six

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"You doing okay?" Liam asks Niall, running his fingers through his best friend's hair. Harry, Zayn, and Justin have decided to have a museum day, but Liam and Niall weren't really feeling up to it. Niall's head is in his lap, and he shifts a bit to avoid answering. He's been oddly quiet all day, not sad exactly, but just seeming off, and it worries Liam. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine," Niall mumbles, chewing on his thumbnail. He only does that when he's feeling really anxious, and Liam gently tugs his hand away from his mouth.

"Niall, tell me what's wrong."

"I said nothing!" Niall sits up, suddenly not wanting to be touched. "I'm fine, Liam. Just tired."

Liam grabs his hand. "Niall..."

Niall wriggles free. "I'm gonna go take a nap." He crosses through the kitchen, grabbing a banana before making his way up the steps. He's not sure why he feels so off today, but everything seems to be irritating him, and he feels bad for snapping at Liam. Whatever's wrong isn't his best friend's fault.

To make himself feel better, he starts the water in the bathtub, adding some of the bubble bath he found under the sink

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To make himself feel better, he starts the water in the bathtub, adding some of the bubble bath he found under the sink. Humming to himself, he climbs in, resting his chin on his arm as he stares blankly ahead. He starts feeling annoyingly restless, and mindlessly scratches at his arm.

Then there's a knock on the door. "Niall?" Liam asks.

"Come in," Niall calls back. Liam makes his way into the bathroom and sits on the floor by the tub. He opens his mouth to say something, but Niall interrupts him. "I'm sorry," he says quickly. "Something is wrong, I just don't know what it is. I'm just feeling really anxious today, and I guess it's making me come across as irritated or mad. It's not you, not at all. I just feel..."

"Hey," Liam says gently, grabbing Niall's face to make him look at him. "It's okay. You're just fine. Have you taken your meds?" He runs a hand through Niall's hair, scratching lightly at the nape of his neck the way he knows Niall likes.

Niall hums, eyes falling shut. "No..."

"Ni," Liam scolds.

"I know, I know. I just forgot to yesterday, and today, too..."

"Take them when you get out, okay?"

"I will." Niall rubs his eyes. "Promise."

"I'll leave them on the counter for you. Where are they?" Liam asks, getting up from his spot next to the tub.

Niall sleepily shakes his head. "I'll grab 'em when I get out...they're buried in my suitcase somewhere, I don't wanna make you look for them."

"...Why are they buried in your suitcase if you've been taking them?" Niall hesitates a bit too long before answering, just long enough where Liam knows exactly what he's trying not to say. "Niall James!"

"I just...didn't want Justin and Zayn to see, okay? It's embarrassing!" Niall whines.

Liam shakes his head, bewildered. "More embarrassing than having an anxiety-induced meltdown out of nowhere?"

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now