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A/N: This update goes out to @andi0805 I really hope you enjoy it!! It's super fluffy and ridiculous, enjoy!

"I can't believe you guys got me a puppy," Niall mumbles for what must be at least the thousandth time. He's holding Falcon in his lap as the puppy dozes. He scratches behind his ear, and the puppy practically melts into a puddle.

Justin laughs. "You're still freaking out over that? It's been, like, four days."

"Still," Niall huffs, so delighted at the presence of the little puppy that it's almost ridiculous.

Justin sits beside him on the couch, slinging an arm around his shoulders. "What do you want to do today, love?"

Niall shrugs. "I don't really have anything in mind, I guess. Was there anything you needed to do?"

Justin checks his phone. "Well, Zee's at another conference. I need to make a Target run and then we can do whatever you want."

"I love Target!"

"All right, excellent! Let's do it. This is gonna be interesting with no Zayn present...he's, like, 95% of my impulse control."

"...We're gonna get so distracted. This is gonna be a disaster," Niall agrees.

- - -

They spend three hours in Target.

"Justin! Justin, look, feel how soft this blanket is!" Niall chirps. Justin immediately reaches a hand out.

"Oh my God. Okay, put it in the cart."

Niall reaches around him to add it to the already mostly full cart. Besides the blanket, there are way too many candles, some books, three boxes of Gushers, and some toys for Niall's puppy.

"Zayn's gonna be so mad," Niall giggles nervously, clinging to Justin's hand as they make their way to towards the electronic section of the store.

"Just give him the puppy eyes, he'll forgive you in a second," Justin chuckles, pinching Niall's cheek affectionately.

"But what about you?"

"I'll sweet talk my way out of it. He can't resist my sexy charm."

Niall laughs. "You're ridiculous."

Justin kisses his cheek. "You love it."

Niall can't deny that, either. He does love it. He loves Justin. He loves both of his boyfriends so much he's relatively sure it might kill him. He would be okay if it did. Out of all the ways to go, that would be the best.

"Oh my God. Baby boy, I just had the best idea. The actual best fucking idea ever. Oh my God," Justin rambles, and Niall hurries to his side to see. "We have to buy these. We have to prank Zayn." He's so excited he's speaking in a rush, and it makes Niall laugh. In his hand is a package of faux septum rings. According to the picture on the package, it actually looks realistic, and Niall can't help but laugh even harder when he pictures Zayn's reaction.

"I really did think about getting one of these," he tells Justin, taking the package from him. "He's gonna kill us."

"Worth it," Justin beams.

Niall shakes his head. "You're such a Slytherin."

"What does that make Zayn?"

"Ravenclaw, I think. Maybe Gryffindor." Niall frowns. "I think I'm a Slytherin, too."

Justin snorts. "Niall, you're the most Hufflepuff person I've ever met."

A slow smile spreads across Niall's face. "Really? You mean that?"

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now