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"Liam, you better tell me."

"Niall, stop it," Liam says back sternly, making the smaller boy stick his lower lip out. "Nope, don't even try it, I'm not Zayn or Justin. I'm immune to the pouty lip."

Niall huffs. "I wish you'd just tell me!"

It's Niall's birthday weekend, and Justin, Zayn, and Liam have put together some sort of surprise for Niall. Neither of them will tell him what it is, despite his pouting and whining and the fact that he actually mustered up some fake tears.

"If you don't tell me I'm gonna tell Harry you don't like him!"

Liam rolls his eyes. "No, you won't."

Niall pouts. "No...I won't...but I'd think really hard about doing it!"

Liam can't help but laugh. "Cupcake, it's only about three more hours you have to wait. I really think you can handle that."

Niall whines and slumps further back on the couch. "I hate you."

"You love me." Liam kisses his forehead and leaves the room, and then the apartment. Bored out of his mind, Niall starts to clean the kitchen when his phone rings.

"Zee!" he cheers when he sees that it's Zayn.

"Hi there, lovebug! You sound happy to hear from me," Zayn beams.

"I am! Are you gonna tell me what the surprise is? Pleeeease?"

Zayn rolls his eyes. "And spoil your surprise? Never, angel. I bet you're pretty bored, though, huh?"

Niall starts to nod frantically before he remembers Zayn can't see him. "Uh-huh! I'm super, duper bored and Falcon is sleeping and won't cuddle with me!" He frowns over at his puppy, curled up asleep on his bed.

"Hmm...would you like it if I came over and we took him for a walk? By the time we finished, I think your surprise would be just about done."

Niall immediately hops up to get dressed. "Yay! Okay! When will you be here?"

"So excited. Such a sweet, little thing," Zayn coos, making Niall blush. "I'll be there in about fifteen minutes, is that all right? I'm not too far from you right now."

Niall can't stop smiling. "Okay! See you soon!" They hang up, and Niall hurries to get dressed, pulling on a black sweater and jeans, waking Falcon with all the ruckus he's making. He's just yanked a beanie over his messy hair when the doorbell rings, and he bounds forward and hugs Zayn around the waist. His boyfriends have been so busy for the past week planning his birthday surprise, and it surprises him how much he's missed them.

"Hi, angel! Someone's happy to see me," Zayn chuckles, leaving a few kisses on Niall's forehead. "I'm happy to see you, too, little love." Niall just cuddles closer to Zayn for a few seconds, and then lets go to scoop Falcon up in his arms. "Ready?"

Niall nods after clipping Falcon's leash onto his collar, and takes Zayn's hand. They stroll down the street, hand-in-hand, Niall unable to keep from laughing every time Falcon does something cute. Zayn can't help but stop every few minutes and kiss Niall's hand or his cheek or the top of his head. His sweet, little boyfriend is such a delight, so full of joy and innocence, Zayn's heart is about to beat out of his chest from the overwhelming affection he feels for him.

"Zayn?" Niall chirps.

"Yeah, baby boy?"

"I, um..." He swallows nervously. "You know you don't have to do anything big for my birthday, right? I mean...I mean, you did just give me a puppy...a-and I'd...I'd hate for you guys to feel like you have to spend money on me! 'C-Cause you don't! Even just...even just spending the day with you guys would be enough..."

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now