Twenty Five

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"Alright, I want you to count them out loud for me, okay?"

Niall nods, already having tears in his eyes. He squirms a little, not wanting either of them to see him cry.

"Can you use your words, sweetheart?" Justin's voice is even gentler, not that it'd ever been harsh.

"I'll count," Niall whispers, voice crackly. He hides his face in his elbow, which is a little difficult since Zayn is holding both of his hands. He's just shut his eyes when the first smack suddenly comes, making him jump and let out a whimper. "One," he says after a second, the shock catching him off guard. He's more prepared for the next spank, but he still squirms a little, whining as he counts out, "Two!"

"You're doing so good," Justin coos, and Zayn gently wipes a couple of tears off of Niall's face. "Are you still okay with the next three being with you bare?"

"Yes," Niall manages to say without being prompted, and his face flushes when Justin whispers, "Good boy," in response. Niall is trembling a little in Justin's lap now, mostly embarrassed that's mostly naked, but also in fear of how bad the spank is going to hurt.

"I can feel you shaking, sweetheart. What's your color?" Zayn interrupts.

"Green," Niall answers. He's scared, but not unbearably so, and he knows that if he really needs him to stop, Justin will. He takes a deep breath, sniffles. "I'm okay."

The next spank is hard enough to make Niall whine, "Ouch!" and squirm a little. He tries to free his hand from Zayn's hold to rub his now stinging bottom. Justin rubs his hand over the sore spot until Niall's squirming calms. The next spank is on his sit spot, and that one is hard enough to make Niall actually start to cry again.

"You're doing so good, angel. So, so good," Zayn smiles, "Last one, baby."

Niall nods. "Green," he says through his tears, just to make sure they know that he's okay. The last spank is so hard Niall sees white for a second, and the next thing he knows he's being cradled against Justin's chest, his face tucked into his neck. He smells good, and the skin of his neck is so soft and warm, and Niall just sniffles and nuzzles closer.

"You're so good, angel, did such a good job," Justin says softly, large hands rubbing Niall's back. And Niall feels like he just can't get close enough to him and Zayn, and wiggling against him to try and get closer somehow doesn't seem to be working. "Shh, baby boy, you're okay," Justin says gently, kissing Niall's tear-stained face. He lays him back on the bed gently, and Niall just lets out a whine until Zayn and Justin are both cuddling him.

- - -

When Niall wakes up, Justin and Zayn are both gone. He sits up, blearily rubbing his eyes. "Jay? Zee?" he calls, but the room is empty, so he wraps himself in the blanket like a cape and makes his way down the stairs.

"Hey, sweetheart, you're awake," Zayn calls, a smile in his voice, and Niall doesn't even respond, just goes up to Zayn and buries his face in his chest.

"You left," he says grumpily, voice muffled by Zayn's shirt.

"What was that?" Zayn chuckles, leaning back a bit so he can hear what Niall says. Niall just whines and puts his face back in Zayn's chest.

"Someone's clingy," Justin smiles, walking into the kitchen from the bathroom. Niall blindly reaches in the direction of Justin's voice, not bothering to remove his face from Zayn's chest to see where he is. Chuckling, Justin lets Niall grab his arm and tug him closer. Once he's close enough, Niall smushes himself in between them.

"Such a sweet little thing," Zayn coos, leaning down to kiss Niall's forehead. "Baby, we never ended up having that fancy dinner, did we?"

Niall shakes his head. "Tomorrow, please," he mumbles softly. As nice as it sounds, he isn't really feeling up to leaving the villa tonight.

"Whatever you want, angel," Zayn nods, touching his cheek gently.

Niall leans into his touch. "Can we watch Beauty and the Beast and eat gelato?"

Zayn shrugs. "Sure, that sounds fine to me."

"We should probably have dinner first, though," Justin suggests, and Niall just lets out a whine, sticking out his lip. "You'd better tuck that lip in, I don't think you want another spanking so soon."

Niall immediately stops pouting. "Sorry, Daddy."

Justin's heart goes soft in his chest, and he starts pressing kisses all over Niall's face. The small blond starts giggling, soaking up all of the affection. Zayn pulls away to start making something quick for dinner, and Niall pouts at the loss of contact until Justin sits at the table, pulling Niall into his lap.

"You feeling okay, baby, other than more cuddly than usual?" Justin asks, rubbing Niall's back.

Niall nods. "I'm good. I just want gelato."

Justin snorts and kisses the end of his nose. "You'll get your gelato, baby boy, but you've gotta have dinner first."

Soon enough, dinner is done, and Niall eats just enough for Justin and Zayn to agree that he can have his gelato. Smushed between them on the couch, they watch Beauty and the Beast and watch fondly as Niall hums along to the songs between spoonfuls of peppermint bark gelato.

"Can I try yours?" Niall asks Zayn, whose gelato is s'mores flavored.

"Sure, wanna switch for a bit?" Zayn asks, so they trade gelato containers.

"Wait, I want a spoonful," Justin says, and he takes a bit out of Niall's container.

"Justin! Now you contaminated it!" Niall whines. "It has your cooties!"

"Baby, you've made out with me. You're full of my cooties," Justin laughs, taking another spoonful of Niall's gelato.

"...That's different!" Niall says, but he's blushing.

"How is that any different?"

"It just is!"

Zayn shakes his head. "You guys are complete dorks," he says fondly.

"But you love us," Justin notes.

"You're right. I love you, Niall," Zayn says happily, and Justin flings a spoonful of ice cream at him. It hits him directly in the side of the face, and Niall laughs so hard his stomach hurts. It may be a bit strange and different, but their relationship is everything Niall could have ever needed, and he's so in love it's almost painful.

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now