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"Liam, I want lilies, okay?" Niall tells him as he gets in the car.

"Lilies? For what?" Liam responds, confused.

"My funeral. I want lilies. I'm going to die, because both of my bosses asked me out. Also, your Thai food lie was sucky."

"So sorry my lie wasn't good enough for you," Liam snorts, rolling his eyes.

"I don't know anything about Thai food," Niall laughs. "Justin asked what my favorite dish was and I didn't even know how to answer."

"Well, you should've just -- wait. Wait a second." Liam stops at a red light and snaps his head over to Niall. "Did you just say they both asked you out?"

If Niall blushed any redder, his head would explode. "I...maybe...?"

"Niall! Oh, my God," Liam laughs.

Niall pouts at Liam, who's focused on the road now and no longer on Niall's red cheeks. "What? Why are you laughing at me?"

Liam just shakes his head. "You're just so cute, kid."

The blond sticks his lower lip out. "Whatever, Li...Oh, God! What am I gonna wear?" he whines.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Liam smiles back.

"...What are you so smiley about?" Niall asks.

"What do you mean? I'm not smiling," he responds. He scratches his nose in an attempt to hide his clearly smiling face.

Niall squints. "Tell me the truth, stinker!"

"I'm not a stinker, you jerk," Liam chuckles back. "But, fine. If you must know...I've been talking to Harry more..." He ducks his head, still smiling. "He's just really cute, that's all."

"You've got the feels!" Niall giggles.

"Oh, shut up," Liam says back, but he's still smiling. As he pulls into the driveway, he's still smiling.. "So when's your date?"

"I dunno...they didn't say. Eeeep, I'm nervous!" Niall scrunches up a little, his shoulders drawn up to his ears. 

Liam ruffles his hair affectionately. "Don't worry about it, lil guy."

"But what am I gonna wear?"  Niall whines, which makes Liam laugh again. As he kicks his shoes off in the doorway, his phone vibrates in his pocket.

Justin: Hi sweetheart! Just wanted to ask when would be a good time/day for our date?

"HE TEXTED ME!" Niall screeches. In his excitement, he drops his phone, and then giggles at his stupidity.

"Who did?" Liam asks from the kitchen.

"Justin! What do I say!?"

"What did he say?" Liam asks, and Niall scampers up the steps to show his best friend the text. "Tell him Thirsty Thursday and say you'll suck his dick under the table."

"Liam!" Niall gasps, and he actually hides his face in his hands out of embarrassment. Liam laughs and snags his phone, and Niall starts to panic when he sees Liam typing. "Don't! Li-Li, don't, don't say anything embarrassing! Please!"

"I didn't say anything bad, kiddo," Liam grins, handing Niall his phone back.

"You deleted the text! I can't even see what you said," Niall whines, furious.

"Whoops," Liam says dryly, obviously unapologetic.

"You're awful!"

"I just said that Thursday would be fine and you were looking forward to it, nerd. Nothing bad. Give me some credit."

Niall glares at him for a second until his phone vibrates again.

Justin: Sounds good, cutie! We're looking forward to it. See you tomorrow. ;)

"Why did he have to send a winky face?" Niall groans, dropping his head forward onto the table dramatically.

"Because he wants you to suck his dick under the table," Liam responds, and Niall sticks his tongue out and takes his plate with him into his room. Annoyingly enough, he can hear Liam chuckling to himself as he goes.

Zayn: So Justin said Thursday? I'm just making sure he's not being full of shit.

Niall: Mhm!! Thursday works! ;)

Niall: Omg :)*

Zayn: Are you flirting with me, baby boy?

Niall lets out a loud gasp and actually drops his phone, covers his face with both hands. A tiny squeal may or may not have left his mouth as well.

Niall: The winky was on accident promise!!

Zayn: Good God, you're so cute.

- - -

"He's so goddamn cute. We're both going to die. Tragic double homicide by cute secretary," Zayn states. He's in bed, novel he was reading forgotten beside him, phone in hand.

"I know," Justin says from the bathroom, voice garbled from his toothbrush. "God, just thinking about the date practically gives me heart palpitations."

"That's because you're an old man," Zayn retorts.

"How dare you? Twenty-eight isn't even old, you geezer," Justin snaps back after spitting in the sink.

"I'm not a geezer, asshole."

"You're the asshole, asshole."

"Why are we like this?" Zayn questions, and can't help but laugh. 

Justin laughs, too. "I don't know. We're idiots." He climbs into the bed beside his husband, nuzzles close. He rests his chin on Zayn's chest, and Zayn affectionately strokes his hair with his free hand. "Hey, I kinda have a crush on you."

"Ew," Zayn replies, and Justin laughs again.

"You're so mean to me!"

Zayn kisses his hair. "You know you're the love of my life."

Justin hides his smile in the collar of Zayn's shirt. "Yeah, I know. And you know you're mine?"

Zayn holds his husband closer. "I do. I can't wait to find out if Niall is the piece we've been missing."

Justin lets out a loud yawn. "God, I hope so."

"Me, too, my, too."

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now