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When they finally get to the mini-golf course, Niall is practically bouncing in his seat. He scrambles out of the car, nerves forgotten because of how excited he is.

"Can we get Dippin' Dots?" he questions, beaming.

Zayn can't even answer him, just has to whisper out, "God," because this sweet little drop of sunlight is so lovely. He's so lovely and happy, Zayn is going to die. This is going to kill him, he said that earlier and it wasn't even wrong.

Luckily, Justin is able to find words, and he says, "Whatever you want. You can have absolutely anything you want."

So Niall says, "I would really, really like some cake batter Dippin' Dots. If you guys don't mind waiting, I'll go get it really quick."

Zayn finds words finally. "No, we'll come with you. Everything tonight is our treat."

Niall goes pink. "Oh, no, y--you don't have to do that! Really...really, it's okay."

"Niall, it's like three dollars. Come on, let us treat you, yeah?" Zayn makes his voice softer, gets close to the sweet boy's face. He knows it's unfair to use the effect he has on Niall like this, but he never wants Niall to pay for anything when they're together.

"W-Well...well, okay," Niall mumbles. He's about to pout when he remembers Justin's comment from the car ride, and he flushes pink. Justin bites back a smirk, able to guess Niall's thoughts. 

"You said cake batter, right?" Zayn double checks, and Niall nods. He beams when the cashier guy hands him his cup of Dippin' Dots. They hang out in the arcade while Niall eats his Dippin' Dots, looking around at all the games.

"Look at that dragon," Niall gasps, pointing. For one hundred tickets, you can win a tiny, pink, stuffed dragon. It's sparkly with silver polka dots, and Niall actually needs it. It is not a matter of want. He pats his pockets for change. "I need it."

Zayn turns to Justin. "I'll play skeeball with you for it."

Niall opens his mouth to protest, but he remembers what they said earlier, and he can't even think of a good argument anyway.

"I always win at skeeball," Justin grins.

"Not this time," Zayn retorts. Niall lets out a giggle when Justin sticks his tongue out at him, and he follows them over to the skeeball machine. "You suck at skeeball!"

"I do not! I'm amazing at putting balls in holes," Justin retorts, which makes Niall laugh loudly.

Zayn snorts. "If you were so great at it, you'd know balls don't normally go in holes."

"You're a pervert," Justin laughs, shoving him.

"Oh, please. As if that wasn't how you meant it," Zayn laughs back. To Justin's dismay, Zayn wins. "Your rein of terror has ended!" he cheers, arms in the air.

"Just like our marriage," Justin says with a fake pout.

"No pouting," Niall says, mostly to be a brat. It's very unlike him, sweet as he is, and it surprises both Zayn and Justin.

"And why's that?" Justin asks, inching closer to Niall. His gaze has gone suddenly dark, and Niall's mouth goes dry. "What're you gonna do, sweetheart?" Justin's hand is touching his side, and his hand is so large and warm, Niall feels overwhelmed. "Somehow I don't  think you'd be doing the spanking."

Niall is finally too flustered, and stares at his shoes, trying to keep from going pink.

"No, didn't think so," Justin continues, voice husky. Niall feels like he might faint.

"Justin," Zayn's voice says, not angry but not gentle either. "Give the poor boy some space." Justin steps back, and Niall looks up, gives Zayn a shy, grateful smile. Justin apologizes quickly and genuinely, but Niall shakes his head. He wasn't uncomfortable or upset at all, just flustered, but grateful to Zayn for saving him all the same. "I got your dragon," Zayn adds, and Niall actually squeals in delight.

"His name is Benji," he tells them, and cheerfully puts the dragon in his purse. 

"I feel like I'm constantly saying you're cute...but it's just...so true," Justin says, puts his arm around Niall's shoulders. Niall moves closer into him; he smells good and he's warm, and Zayn takes Justin's other hand.

"Ready for mini-golf?" Zayn asks Niall, who nods cheerfully. The option they chose starts outside and ends inside, and Niall takes his glittery pink ball and leads the way.

"Just so you know," Justin says, "I'm really, really bad at mini-golf."

"And skeeball," Niall giggles, which makes Zayn laugh really hard.

"Maybe you do need to be spanked," Justin says slowly. "You're awfully mouthy tonight."

"I like it," Zayn grins, winking at Niall.

"You just like it because I'm the one being insulted," Justin whines.

"Yeah, it's nice to witness you being insulted instead of constantly having to do the insulting."

Justin huffs. "Niall, be mean to him, too, please."

"I'm not being mean!" Niall gasps. "Please don't think I'm mean! I'm super nice, I promise!"

"Don't worry, cutie. No one thinks you're mean," Zayn assures him quickly. They start to play golf, and Niall laughs so hard tears well up in his eyes because from his first hit, Justin's ball ends up in the water. 

"I told you I suck," he grumbles, and grimaces as he reaches into the pool for his ball.

"Don't fall in," Zayn calls, "I'll laugh at you."

"You'll be laughing until I'm forced to get naked in front of everyone," Justin calls back. "That'll shut you up."

Zayn shakes his head, smiling. "He's such an idiot. It's your turn, Niall."

Niall hits his ball perfectly through the windmill that Justin kept hitting, which was the reason his ball was in the pool.

"How the fuck!?" Justin called, enraged at seeing Niall's success, from the pool where he was still trying to get his ball. Zayn and Niall both crack up at his rage.

"Are you having a good time?" Zayn questions softly, expression gentle as he looks at Niall.

Niall turns to him, smiling, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Yeah, I--I am. You guys are really funny. It's...it's like I keep forgetting to even be nervous." He bites his lip. "It's strange...I'm nervous around everyone, usually. It took me, like, six months to be comfortable with Liam...it's strange to feel like this about you guys." His voice goes softer as he finishes his sentence, and then he stares awkwardly down at his pink golf club, unsure of what to say after saying something so honest.

Zayn gently tilts his chin up. "I'm really, really glad to hear that. You're such a wonderful, sweet guy, and lovely, too, of course...I'm glad you're having a good time. I know Justin and I together can be a little...much. But we're having a good time, too. I'm glad you are as well."

Niall chews on his lip, biting back a smile.

"I'm so glad you guys are having a moment while I just almost died trying to get this stupid ball," Justin says furiously. When he reaches them, Niall and Zayn can't help but laugh -- the sleeve of his left arm is wet to the elbow. "I'm glad you think this is funny, soon-to-be ex-husband.  And you, too, baby boy."

The pet name makes Niall stop laughing and go pink, and that makes Justin decide that his ruined shirt is definitely worth it.

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now