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"Do you think he's as nervous as we are?" Justin asks Zayn as he follows his husband to the car. 

"I hope so. He's probably more nervous, actually," Zayn replies.

"Huh? Why do you think that? I doubt that he could be more nervous than I am right now."

Zayn shrugs. "You're really comfortable with me, and I'll be there. We have each other, we're not going into this alone like he is. So I think it's slightly less scary for us."

Justin purses his lips, thinking. "Hmm...maybe you're right."

"I'm always right."

"Sure, Zee...I'll let you keep thinking that."

Zayn lightly punches his arm. "You know I'm always right. I was right in choosing to marry you, wasn't I?"

"I proposed!"


"...Well, I would have, you just beat me to it."

Zayn shakes his head, chuckling. "Jay, I love you, but you're fucking weird."

Justin laughs at that. "Yeah, I know. Keeps life sexy and interesting."

"The fact that you just said that makes me want to go get divorce papers."

"Fuck off," Justin responds with a laugh. Zayn laughs, too, stopping before he gets in the car just so he can hug him.

- - -

"Liam...Liam, I'm gonna throw up."

"Oh, stop. You're not gonna throw up," Liam tells him, laying back on Niall's bed, phone in hand. He smiles as he sends a text. "Have you decided what you're wearing yet?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure about it," Niall replies. He comes out of his closet wearing a white dress that's lacy at the top.

"Awww," Liam coos, unable to help himself. "You look great!"

"Really? You think so?" Niall questions shyly, smoothing his dress. 

"Of course I do!"

Niall blushes. "Thanks, Li." He trudges back into his closet to find a pair of heels. "What are you smiling about?"

Startled, Liam literally drops his phone on his face. "Ow!" He rubs his nose. "I'm not smiling."

"You were!" Niall pries, inching closer until he's sitting beside Liam on the bed. "Tell me!"

Liam lets out a heavy sigh. "You're so nosy."

"Liam, we're best friends and roommates. Of course I'm nosy."

"...It's Harry, that's all, okay?"

Niall squeals loudly, and Liam scrunches up his face in displeasure, plugs his ears. "Seriously!?"

"Sorry, I'm excited! You guys are texting! Are you sending him nudes!?"

"Niall!" Liam gasps, and then laughs. "Innocent, my ass. How do you even know what nudes are?"

Niall wrinkles his nose. "I have access to the internet, Liam, give me some credit."

"Absolutely not." Liam grabs the boy's tiny body, cradles him in his lap. "No. You are my tiny baby, and you will stay pure for as long as I can help it."

Niall laughs, but his laughter is cut short when the doorbell rings. Suddenly he goes pale. "Oh, God, Liam," he whispers, fingers gripping tightly to Liam's sweater.

Liam pats his back affectionately. "Come on, kiddo. You can handle this."

Niall gets out of Liam's lap and nervously inches to the door. Liam follows close behind, jaw tight. Niall unlocks the door with shaking hands, and he immediately blushes when Justin and Zayn are standing there.

"Hi," Niall manages to say shyly.

"Hey, sweetheart. You ready to go?" Zayn asks, smiling widely. He seems so genuinely happy it's cute.

"Yep! I just gotta grab my shoes," Niall says, turning around. "Oh! This is my best friend, Liam. Liam, that's Zayn and Justin...I know you guys have unofficially met, but, well."

"Hi," Justin says, and Liam nods back.

"If you make Niall cry I'll kick both of your asses," Liam responds, unsmiling. 

"Liam," Niall groans from his bedroom, which makes Liam laugh. "Okay, I...I'm ready," Niall says, shyness suddenly enveloping him when he realizes he's going on a date with these two gogeous men. "Bye, Li."

"Bye, Ni." Niall hugs him quickly. "Don't keep him out too late, bring him back by curfew. Make good choices, Niall!" he adds as they leave.

"He's so embarrassing, God," Niall mumbles, covering his red cheeks with both hands.

Justin laughs. "Nah, he's just being a best friend."

"And he loves you," Zayn adds.

"And he's a jerk," Niall pouts.

"Aw, don't pout," Justin says, voice suddenly husky. His thumb traces Niall's lower lip, and Niall's heart seems to start beating double time. When he manages to look up at Justin's face, his pupils are huge. Justin pulls away a second later, shakes his head.

"Where are we going?" Niall asks when he manages to find his voice.

"Should we tell him?" Zayn asks Justin.

"Please? I hate surprises," Niall says, pouting again. 

"Oh, God, he's pouting. We have to tell him. It's too cute," Justin says as Zayn starts to drive.

Zayn glances in the rearview mirror just to see that Justin is right. "Fuck," he mutters. "Okay, tell him."

"We're going mini golfing."

Zayn shakes his head. "We're millionaires and we're taking you mini golfing on a first date. How lame."

"It's not lame," Justin huffs.

"I love mini golf!" Niall butts in, smiling.

"Told you it'd be fine," Justin grins, nudging Zayn. Zayn just rolls his eyes, smiling.

"Where?" Niall questions.

"That's all I'm saying," Justin says tightly. Niall's lower lip starts to jut out again, and he groans. "Hey, you stop pouting like that...It's not very nice, baby boy." Butterflies are released into Niall's stomach at the pet name, but the pout deepens, and Justin's gaze goes dark. "I mean it, Niall. Stop it before I do something rash, like spank you."

Niall gasps at those words and squirms in his seat, cheeks pinking. He hates the way he reacted to that threat, with a warm feeling rushing in his stomach and his cheeks going red.

"Doesn't seem like you hate that idea, huh?" Zayn questions, voice low and raspy. Niall doesn't even have to look up to know he's smirking, and he hates that that doesn't make his situation any easier.

A/N: The date's gonna be the next chapter, y'all excited?

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now