Twenty Two

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Warning: a teensy lil bit of smut towards the end :D

"Oh, can we go to the ocean, pleeeeease?"

Justin's eyes aren't even open before he hears Niall whining. He tries to ignore him, closing his eyes even tighter, but the tiny blond starts poking his face.

"Justin, I know you're awake," he whines, poking even more obnoxiously.

"Baby, it's early," Justin groans in his tired voice. "Let me sleep a bit longer."

"But Zayn's already up and gone!"

Justin opens an eye to confirm, and sure enough, Zayn's side of the bed is empty. He'd even made up his half of the bed.

"Just a few more minutes, please, sweetheart? I'm exhausted."

Niall studies Justin's face. He looks much better than the night before in terms of exhaustion, but he doesn't look one hundred percent yet. When Niall doesn't say anything right away, Justin opens his eyes again, then raises an eyebrow.

"I'll be big spoon," Niall offers, and Justin snorts.

"You're too tiny to be big spoon, sweet pea."

"No, I'm not!"

"Okay, let's give it a try." Justin rolls over, and Niall wiggles up to spoon him. What Justin said was true — Niall can barely even spoon him properly. Plus — and Niall would never admit this — it's much better when he's the small spoon anyway. It makes him feel tiny and vulnerable and safe, even more so than he normally feels when around Zayn and Justin.

Soon enough, Justin is the big spoon again, and he drifts off to sleep pretty quickly once they get comfortable. Niall is fighting sleep himself, and the next thing he knows, he's blinking himself awake three hours later. Zayn is back in the bed, scrolling through his phone.

"Hi," Niall whispers, rubbing his eyes. Justin is still asleep behind him.

"Hi there, angel," Zayn smiles, leaning down to kiss the end of Niall's nose.

Niall hides his blush in the crook of his arm, but still asks, "Can we go to the beach?"

"Yeah, of course. Whatever you want. Let's let Justin sleep a little longer, though. You wanna see what Liam and Harry are up to?"

Niall nods. He squirms out of Justin's hold and follows Zayn down the stairs to the kitchen. Music is playing lightly, and Niall and Zayn make their way into the kitchen to see Liam sitting on the counter while Harry is mixing something in a bowl.

"Hey, cupcake," Liam smiles, hopping off the counter to give Niall a hug. "Hungry?"

Niall goes over to peer into the bowl. "Blueberry pancakes!" he cheers, and Harry grins at him in response.

"So what's the plan for today?" Liam asks, reclaiming his spot on the counter.

"Niall wants to go to the beach, that's all that's set in stone. Is there anything you guys really wanna do?"

Liam shrugs. "Not really. I was just curious."

Just then, Justin trudges into the kitchen. "Coffee," he grunts, and Liam passes him a mug with a chuckle. He takes a sip and lets out a long, dramatic, satisfied sigh.

Niall hugs Justin around the waist. "Can we go to the beach now?" When Justin doesn't answer right away, Niall sticks out his lip and gives Justin his best puppy dog eyes.

"Hey. I've warned you about that lip, baby boy. Don't make me say it again," he says sternly. Niall stops pouting, but squirms a little — something about Justin or Zayn being so stern with him makes something flutter deep in his stomach. His squirming definitely doesn't go unnoticed by Justin and Zayn, who exchange a smirk.

They all stand in the kitchen, waiting for the pancakes to be done, and then they pack the rest of their breakfast stuff into a picnic basket and make their way out the door. It doesn't take long for them to get to the beach, and they spend a few hours there, Liam dumping Niall in the ocean every couple of minutes. 

"I'm so tired," Niall laughs exhaustedly, collapsing on the towel next to Zayn. Zayn just smiles and rubs some sunscreen onto his back.

"Do you wanna head back to the house?" Zayn asks gently, still rubbing his back. Niall nods. He's rubbing his eyes, and Zayn can't help but coo a little at how cute he is. "Hey, Jay, Ni and I are gonna head back, are you guys coming with?"

"Nah, Li, Harry and I are gonna check out that art museum not far from where we're staying. You wanna come with us?"

"Nah, I'm gonna go with time for sure, though. Come on, Ni, sweetheart, we're gonna head back."

Niall pushes himself up to his feet, trudging behind Zayn to the car, and he slumps most of the way into Zayn's lap the whole way back. Zayn tries to make Niall get out of the car when they get there, but Niall just whines until Zayn picks him up and carries him inside. Convincing Niall to shower is its own terrible battle, but soon enough he stumbles into the bed, hair still wet, and dozes off while Zayn goes to shower. He barely manages to dress himself in his matching gold velvet pajamas before he dozes off.

Zayn leaving the bathroom wakes him up. He'd been singing, and his singing stopped when he left the bathroom due to not wanting to wake Niall up. When Niall opens his eyes, Zayn is bending over, digging through a drawer, trying to find a t-shirt. The muscles in his back flex, and he's only wearing boxers, his hair wet and dripping, and Niall finds himself squirming just at the sight. He can't even see Zayn's face, which he knows would intensify the squirminess he's feeling. And then, as if he can read his mind, Zayn turns around.

"You sure are squirmy over there, sweetheart," Zayn smirks, voice low, rich caramel. Niall swallows hard. Zayn makes his way to the bed, shirt forgotten, and sits across the bed from Niall. Without even being told to do so, Niall scrambles into his lap, eager to kiss him, but Zayn pulls back, instead rubbing his hands over Niall's thighs and kissing his neck.

Niall lets out a whine. "Please..."

"Please what, baby?" Zayn replies, dragging his teeth over a spot on Niall's throat, making him squirm against Zayn. "Tell me what you want."

"Please, please..." Niall is blushing furiously, and Zayn's hands are so big and everywhere, he feels like he can't breathe.


Niall bites his lip. "Please...please touch me..."

"You're sure, baby?"

"Please," Niall whines, wiggling, and in doing so, he grinds his crotch against Zayn's. A surprised moan leaves his mouth, and he immediately does it again, burying his face in Zayn's neck.

"That feel good, baby? You like that?" Zayn's voice is even lower now, breathy in Niall's ear, and the poor boy's legs are shaking. 

"Please!" Niall whines when Zayn grabs his hips to stop him from grinding against him.

"No, sweetheart, if you wanna keep going, you gotta look at me," Zayn murmurs, and Niall manages to pull back and look at him. Zayn's hands both grab at Niall's ass, rolling his hips again. Niall lets out another broken moan, biting his lip but forcing himself to keep looking at Zayn, and he flushes red when Zayn lets out a low chuckle. "Look at fucking wrecked and you still have all your clothes on..." He grinds harder, and Niall's moan half-disappears into a gasp. "Bet I could make you come like this."

Niall whines even louder, nails digging into Zayn's shoulders as Zayn grinds against him harder. Chills run up Niall's spine, and he's so close he thinks he's going to explode. "Please, please, please," he gasps. "Please, Daddy, please!"

"Fuck," Zayn hisses in his ear. "Come for Daddy, sweetheart," he breathes, kissing at Niall's neck, and Niall comes hard, squirming against Zayn. "Holy fucking shit, Niall, you're so fucking perfect," Zayn whispers after Niall's come down, kissing all over his face.

Niall giggles, nuzzling closer into Zayn. He's drifting off to sleep, Zayn cradling him to his chest, when he hears his voice at his ear.

"So, you have a daddy kink, huh?" he whispers lowly, and Niall just rolls over, covering his face with his hands. He's pretty sure he'll never be able to look Zayn in the eye again, and when Justin finds out, it'll pretty much be the end of the world.

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