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"I think it's my turn for a solo date," Justin says randomly while the three of them are watching Star Wars. "I've been very patient, but I think it's my turn."

"You have not been patient," Zayn counters, throwing a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"I have so!" Justin glares. "I didn't even ask about it today!"

"That's because you mentioned it four times yesterday," Niall giggles, and Justin turns his glare on him.

"Are you implying you don't wanna go on a date with me, cutie?"

"That's exactly what he's implying," Zayn interrupts before Niall can say anything, and he squeezes the blond against his side. "He only wants to go out with me from now on."

Justin flops back on the bed dramatically. "Honestly, how dare you? This so rude. I can't believe I'm willingly a part of a relationship where I'm treated so badly."

That makes Niall giggle even harder. "You're so dramatic and silly, Justin."

"Me? Dramatic? Silly!? How dare you!? In all my days on God's green earth, no one has ever said anything so cruel to me. I cannot believe the disrespect I'm expected to endure --" The only reason he stops talking is because Zayn's put a hand over his mouth to muffle his words.

"Idiot," Zayn chuckles fondly when Justin finally stops talking, and he kisses his husband's cheek a few times.

"But seriously, Niall. Would you want to do a solo date?"

"Of course," Niall mumbles, blushing now. If he's honest, he's been thinking about it probably as much as Justin's been talking about it.

"Okay. Just give me a few days to think of something awesome," Justin replies, smiling widely.

- - -

"Hey, sweetheart, are you awake?" It's Justin on the phone, Niall recognizes that through his semi-consciousness. He rolls over to look at the clock and realizes that it's 5:45am.

"No," he mumbles back.

Justin chuckles. He sounds wide awake. "Awww, such a sleepy baby..." Niall lets out a tired whine at his words. "Come on, baby boy, can you get up for me? I have a surprise for you."

"Too early."

"I know it is, angel, but I promise it'll be worth your while."

Niall lets out a long, tired whine, but sits up, rubbing his eyes. "How long until you'll be here?"

"Yay!" Justin cheers, and Niall can hear that he's smiling. "Is half an hour okay?"

"Uh-huh," Niall says, and lets out a loud yawn. 

"I'll bring coffee to wake you up," Justin chuckles. "See you soon, baby boy."

Niall somehow manages to stumble around his bedroom and get ready, despite the fact that he refuses to turn the light on. He pulls on a cozy sweater that's probably as close to wearing a blanket in public as you can get (it might also be Justin's), and a pair of jeans. Letting out another yawn, he trudges to the front door to find his shoes and then collapses on the couch until he hears a soft knock at the door.

"Hi, sweetheart," Justin beams, looking fresh and wide awake. "Oh, my are you still so precious at 5 in the morning?"

Niall goes bright red. "...It's six in the morning," he mumbles, solely because he has no idea how to respond to a compliment like that.

Justin just rolls his eyes and goes to put an arm around Niall when he notices the sweater. "Hang on a this mine?"

Niall goes pinker somehow. ""

"Are you lying to me, baby boy?"

Chewing on his lower lip, Niall mumbles out, "It might be yours...maybe..."

"I'm not getting the feeling I'm getting the full truth here," Justin notes, but when Niall looks up at his face, he doesn't look angry, and the worry in his chest evaporates.

"You gave it to me at your house once...when I was cold. And I just, um...never gave it back...?" When Niall risks another glance up at Justin's face, he's relieved to see him smiling.

"Well, I'm glad you kept it. You look fucking adorable in my clothes." He leans in and kisses Niall's forehead, and then takes his hand and leads him outside.

Niall rarely wakes up before his alarm goes off, so it's really strange to be outside so early in the morning. The world is still so quiet, most people are still asleep, and the sky is the softest, lightest shade of pink that Niall has ever seen.

"C'mon, we gotta hurry," Justin says, voice excited, and he opens the passenger door to the car for Niall. "No peeking in the backseat," Justin adds, which, of course, makes Niall immediately turn around to see what's back there. A gentle smack to the thigh makes Niall yelp and turn back around. "What did I just say, sweetheart?" he asks, catching Niall's chin so he can't break eye contact.

Niall squirms a little. "Not to look..."

"And what did you just do?"


"Are you going to be good or am I going to have to duct tape you to the seat?"

Niall laughs. "You wouldn't!"

Justin just raises an eyebrow. "Well?"

Niall pouts. "I'll be good."

Justin lets out a low laugh, runs a thumb over that pouting lip. "Keep that lip tucked in or I'll bite it again."

With a little squeak, Niall stops pouting, cheeks red. Justin can't help but lean over and press a few kisses to his face, which makes him giggle. God, Justin's heart is beating so hard in his chest he's pretty sure it's going to kill him, but he honestly can't think of a much better way to go.

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now