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"Um...Zayn? I, um, I'm ready for training," Niall calls, standing shyly in the doorway.

"Really?" Zayn has to hesitate for a second, trying to keep his heart from beating harder. "Okay, let's get you all set up." Zayn gets up from his desk, and Niall actually goes pink just watching him walk closer.

Zayn takes an hour or so to explain the computer software to Niall, who catches on pretty quickly.

"Can I ask you something?" Niall asks gently, chewing on his lower lip. He fiddles with the pencil he's holding.

"Sure," Zayn answers.

" long have you and Justin been married?"

Zayn smiles. "Five years. Nearly six."

"Y-You smiled when you said that," Niall giggles gently. He puts a finger out to touch the corner of his mouth, where his smile is. "You must really love him."

"I do," Zayn responds, still grinning. 

Niall hums and turns back to face the computer.

"I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Justin, I'm dying," Zayn tells his husband as he goes into his office. "How are we gonna get any work done!?"

Justin lets out a loud sigh, dropping his forehead onto his desk. "We aren't...I've been typing the same numbers into this spreadsheet for an hour."

Zayn laughs, ruffles Justin's hair. "I know. He asked how long we'd been married, and when I smiled he touched my face like this, all gentle." He touches Justin's face just how Niall touched his, and Justin's face goes soft.

"He's so cute and I'm pissed off," Justin huffs, leaning his cheek into Zayn's palm. His cheek squishes, which is incredibly cute. 

"Me, too."

Justin and Zayn sit in a mutual silence for a minute until Justin's phone rings. "Bieber," he answers.

"Malik-Bieber," Zayn corrects, nudging him.

"Y-You have a call, Justin," Niall says shyly. "Th-They sound angry..."

Justin stiffens. "Were they rude to you?"

"Oh, n-no...not really...I-I mean, well, a little...I mean...I mean no!" Niall rambles. "No, um, everything is fine."

Justin's eyes narrow, and he looks over at Zayn, whose jaw is tight. "Okay...send the call through."

"Don't do anything stupid," Zayn warns.

"I do everything stupid," Justin hisses back, and Zayn hates himself for laughing. Justin picks up the receiver, and his jaw tightens. "Parker," he snarls.

"Oh, fuck," Zayn mutters, running a hand over his face. Parker is basically Justin's arch-nemesis since high school, and now that they both run business companies, their feud has gotten even worse. It was bad as it was, but now that he's been rude to Niall, steam is practically coming out of Justin's ears.

"Fuck you. I don't give a fuck about your investment rates," Justin snaps. Zayn puts an hand on Justin's thigh to try and calm him, but he smacks Zayn's hand away. "Your company's numbers don't even almost compare to ours. Don't fucking start," he continues. "Fuck off, Parker, don't call here again. And if you say another mean word to our secretary, I'll smash your head against the wall of that joke you call an office building." Justin slams the receiver down.

"Are you okay?"

"Asshole," Justin hisses. He covers his face with his hands for a second, takes a deep breath, and then uncovers it.

"All good?" 

"I'm good," he nods. He takes Zayn's hand, kisses the back of it. "I'm sorry I smacked you, I shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay." Zayn ruffles Justin's hair again. "I know he gets on your nerves. Plus you stood up for Niall, pretty cute."

"I'm not cute. I'm mean, remember?"

Zayn laughs. "Yeah, that's right."

"Um...Justin?" They both turn to see Niall standing in the doorway again, fiddling with his skirt. "Uh...I just wanted to, um, say sorry about the, um, the phone call? They weren't...they weren't rude, not really...they just really wanted to talk to you, I guess."

"Niall," Justin says gently, crossing the room to look the sweet blond in the eye. "They were being rude. The guy that called, he's a major's not your fault, okay?" Niall nods, tiny smile, and when Justin winks at him, his blush goes even deeper.

- - -

"Liiiiiam, my bosses are hot," Niall whines to Liam as he gets into the car.

Liam groans, too. "So's the English teacher. Why is life hell?"

"What did we do to deserve this?"

"I don't know."

Niall covers his face with his hands. "I'm so mad...They're hot, and married, and so nice! Someone was mean on the phone and one of them stood up for me! And -- and I was so flustered, oh my gosh..." He presses his hands to his flushed cheeks.

"I totally understand," Liam sighs. "The English teacher has dimples, Ni. And he's so freaking adorable, and he...he complimented my sweater." Liam goes pink, which is totally unlike him.

"What's his name?"

"Harry," Liam sighs, smiling, cheeks going even rosier.

Niall giggles. "Liam, I'm screwed. I'm crushing on both of my bosses! At least you're crushing on a fellow teacher, it could work out! I can't date both of my bosses!"

"I don't know," Liam shrugs. 

"Me neither. How do I stop having crushes on my bosses!?"

Liam shakes his head. "Slam your head against a wall, I guess."

"Sounds about right."

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