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A week and a half pass before Zayn and Niall are able to go on their solo date, and Niall is a wreck the entire time. Whenever the three are together, Justin whines about how unfair it is, but he's actually quite excited. Despite it being a three person relationship, it's important for obvious reasons that all the people in the relationship get along separately.

"Hey, doll," Zayn says suddenly, startling Niall, who's responding to an email for Justin.

"Hi," Niall beams shyly, brushing some stray hairs out of his face.

Zayn leans over Niall's desk. "How are you doing, sweetheart?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good, baby." He puts a hand out to touch Niall's cheek. "What are you doing tonight after work?"

Niall shakes his head. "Nothing."

"You wanna have our date tonight?"

Niall's smile goes even wider somehow. "Yeah! Yeah, I'd like that," he blushes, moving his glance from Zayn's face down to his shaking hands.

"You sure, sweetheart? No pressure. If it makes you uncomfortable, Justin can come, too. Whatever you want."

"No, I'm okay," Niall nods. "I'm excited!"

"You are? Good, I'm glad!" Zayn leans in and kisses the top of his head. "We can leave here together, sound good?"

"What about Justin?" Niall questions.

"We drove separately," Zayn answers, running his thumb over Niall's cheek. "Meet you here when work's over?"

"Okay," Niall beams, giggling.

The day seems long. Niall is impatient go on the date with Zayn, shaking his leg and drumming his fingers on the desk.

"Do you know where you and Zee are going?" Justin questions, stopping at Niall's desk on his way to refill his coffee mug.

"No. He hasn't told me anything," Niall pouts. Justin lets out a small laugh and trails his thumb over Niall's pouty lip.

"Remember what I said about the lip?" Justin questions.

Niall juts it out further, and Justin can't help but to lean in to kiss him. Niall leans into the kiss, and Justin bites his pouting lip, causing Niall to let out a full out whine and grab the lapels of Justin's suit.

"No pouting," Justin notes again, voice husky, which makes Niall shiver.

"No pouting," Niall echoes, gaze glassy, cheeks flushed.

"Good boy," Justin smirks.

Niall's cheeks go even pinker, and he curls a bit into himself, hands covering his flushed cheeks. Justin lets out a laugh and pries his hands off his face, presses kiss to his pink cheeks.

"So pretty," he coos, and presses a final kiss to the end of Niall's nose.

"Mean," Niall huffs.

"Not pouting anymore, are you?" Justin chuckles. Niall goes even pinker somehow,

"Are you harassing him?" Zayn's voice calls,

"Gently," Justin laughs in response.

Zayn rolls his eyes, walking over to Niall's desk as he shrugs his coat on. "You ready to go, baby boy?"

Niall nods after glancing at the clock, barely able to believe the day went by so quickly. He hops up and grabs his coat, lets Zayn take his hand as they leave.

Baby Boy | Zustiall AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now