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Author's Note:
Hey, guys. I haven't updated this in awhile and I'm super sorry about that. I fixed all of the errors in this (hopefully) and I tried to make the story make more sense. If you have already read this chapter then you don't need to reread it.


I open the door cautiously. Nothing but blackness greets me. The air is stale and I sigh. "I'm going to school now!" I call out.

In the darkness my brother calls out, "Don't get raped!"

I click my tongue and slam the door shut. That idiot! Does he think I'm that easy? And if so then why doesn't he come to school with me and protect me?, I fume as I stomp down the stairs.

My name is Leyla. My older brother who shuts himself up on the third floor is Lysander. I'm a Cancer and he's an Aries, though you can't really tell from his reclusiveness.

I go to Elite High. It's a tough private school; mom and dad wanted the best for us. They even bought a three story house that way we wouldn't have to live on campus in one of those stinky dorms like last year. We were so happy back then.

But happiness is short lived. Ever since our parents passed away last spring, it's been hard for us. The house was given to my grandma in the will. Using the little money left over from our inheritance, we managed to get grandma to signed it over to us. It's the last of our parents. And it's our responsibility to pay the bills. Grandma refuses to help us. That old crone!

So brother dropped out of school and got a job, that's why he doesn't go to school anymore. It makes me a bit sad. We used to be close growing up. I guess time changes things.

Even so I'm not very lonely since I have my best friends. Speaking of which, here they come now.

"Oh, Leyla! It's horrible!" Amnisty the Sagittarius cries out dramatically and tackles me when she sees me walk through the gate.

"What is?" I ask, completely bewildered. It's our first day here and already something has gone wrong. Figures.

My other friend, aka my childhood crush, Julian the Scorpio walks over. He lets out a sigh and I try prying Amnisty off. With ease he pulls her off of me and I got to admire his biceps while he did. So I was kinda in a daze when he answered my question. "She's talking about the dorms. She's been complaining about them ever since she saw them."

"Leyla, can't I live with you?" Amnisty begs me with her innocent blue eyes.

As I stand and brush off the dirt I come back to my senses and look at her seriously. "What about your brother Mason?"

"He can live with us too."

"Don't be silly," Julian smacks Amnisty upside the head.

Without thinking I blurt out, "If you lived there, Julian, you could keep an eye on Mason." I cover up my mouth immediately. Why did I say that? Did he hear me?

Julian looks at me, "Seriously?" Damn, he heard me.

Before I have a chance to say anything, Amnisty answers. "Yes! That's perfect! And we won't be a burden for you. Julian and Mason have jobs so they can help pay the bills. And we can spend girl time together. What do you say?"

How can I say no when she looks at me so earnestly? And we do need the money... "Fine." I give in.

"Great. We can move all our stuff in after school. It'll be so much fun!" She squeals and rushes off to tell her brother.

"I guess we are roommates now." Julian says with a smile and I blush. "What's wrong, Leyla? Your turning all red."

"N-nothing." I stutter. Just then the bell rings. Saved by the bell, thank the gods. I head off to class before I do anything else embarrassing.

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