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Rolling out of bed, I wander down stairs. Summer break started a week ago for me and Joseph. For everyone else at the house, though, it's the last week of school and finals. I sat down at the kitchen island as Amnisty rushed around with a piece of toast.

"You are usually the last one up." I comment as she runs around the kitchen island to put butter on her toast.

Amnisty is a bit giddy and jumping from foot to foot. "Quinn is picking me up today. I don't want to keep him waiting."

"Why is he taking you to school today? I thought you two hated each other." I grumble as I take another spoonful of cereal.

"I thought so, too." Amnisty says thoughtfully. She shakes her head and turns to me. Running over with a big goofy grin she says excitedly, "He asked me out!"

"And?" I ask so she can continue and hopefully stop death gripping my arm.

"I said yes!" Amnisty jumps from foot to foot and screams happily.

I laugh. "That's good. But if he ever hurts you, let me know."

"And what are you going to do?" Calder asks from the doorway. He walks over and pats Amnisty's head.

"I'm a man!" I say defensively.

"But a child." Calder says with a smirk.

Amnisty chirps, "You're a manchild!"

Calder laughs and Amnisty giggles. I let out a soft growl. Calder starts to push Amnisty out of the kitchen. "Go run along to your new boyfriend." He sings.

Amnisty gasps. "I forgot about Quinn! Bye, guys!" Amnisty runs out of the house.

I shake my head and sigh. "She's such a ditz."

Calder comes over and gets out the eggs to make breakfast. "I know. It'll be so easy to take advantage of her." I stare at Calder's back and he realizes what he just said. "Not that I ever would." He laughs nervously.

I face palm myself. "This is why I worry."

Calder laughs. "Why worry if you can't do anything?"

"I'm fourteen, not a toddler."

"You're also small and Quinn is like twice your size." Calder points out as he cracks the eggs in the pan.

"Small person racist!" Not knowing what else to say, I yell that at Calder's back.

"Small people aren't a race." Ashlyn says.

I'm so scared that I jump and fall off the stool. Rubbing my now hurt ass, I ask/shout, "Where did you come from?!"

Ashlyn looks at me with that impassive face of hers. Calder chuckles and says, "You're just so small, you miss the big things."

I turn to him. "Shut up."

"Oh! I forgot, Calder." Ashlyn says, walking over to the cupboards.

"What is it?" Calder asks, going back to his cooking.

She takes out a breakfast bar. "Cassidy is taking me out for dinner tonight."

"Thank you for letting me know." Calder finishes up making the omelets. Ashlyn nods her head and leaves.

I sigh in defeat. "Everyone has someone, but me."

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