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Author's Note:

Hey, guys. I'm trying to post a chapter every Thursday. I'm going to try to keep this pattern up till this book is finished. And I did not proof read this. Let me know if you find any errors.


"It's Monday!" I jump around Justice as she sat, sipping her coffee at the kitchen island.

Justice looked at me out of the corner of her violet eyes. "And you are too chipper for it. Can't you just sit down and eat your toast in silence?"

I pouted, but did as my friend said. Sitting beside her, I nibbled on my toast. Calder was at the stove making eggs and bacon. He chuckled. "You are such a child, Ashlyn."

"You're a child." I replied without much thought, squinting my eyes at him.

Calder turned to me, throwing me a look. "You're older than me!"

(I doubt you guys remember, but the twins are 17  and Ashlyn and Justice are 18.)

I turned away from him, pretending not to hear him as I finished my toast. Calder simply shrugged me off as he put the eggs and bacon on separate plates. I reached over for a slice of bacon as he set down the plates on the island.

Calder smacked his lips and hit my hand away playfully. "You don't get any."

"Why not?" I stiffen up and do my famous pout.

"Because you are a child." Calder said, getting himself a plate.

Just then, Amelia walked down. She took a slice of bacon and left to the living room. I pointed at Amelia's receding back. "She just took one and she's like a middle schooler!"

Calder frowned at me. "Amelia is more of an adult than you will ever be." He sauntered off to the living room with his plate.

"Why does he have to be so mean?" I whined.

"He does have a point, though." Justice said beside me.

"Will you ever agree with me?" I asked her.

Justice smirked. "Probably not." With that, Justice finished her coffee and everyone headed off to school.


I was bubbling with excitement all through out the day. So many classes had different booths for the festival. During the festival, all students stay in their home room class and does a booth. Each visitor that visits the booth counts as a point for that homeroom. Each homeroom of each year/ grade that has the most points at the end of the festival gets a party of their choice.

I look forward to it every year. And since this is the last year that I will be participating in the festival, I want to make it the most memorable. Nervously, I pace around in the class as everyone got into costume. We went with an alternative cosplay fashion show of famous characters this year.

The females are in the restroom. Everyone was either getting dressed or helping each other get dressed. Everything seemed a bit rushed, even though our classroom was preparing for this all year long. I still couldn't quite believe I was participating this year.

"Hurry up and put on your costume, Ashlyn." Justice said, dressed as a punk Mulan. The main character from the Disney movie Mulan. Justice's version of Mulan looked like she was a gangster rather than a punk.

"O-ok." I responded nervously. As excited as I am for the event, large crowds make me nervous.

I got dressed in a hurried fashion. A classmate helped me shimmy into the complicated dress and get my wig on right. Once I was done, I took a look at myself in the mirror. It reflected the joy on my face from seeing a warrior Princess Peach smiling back at me. Princess Peach is the damsel in distress in the famous Mario game. But I wanted to do a different version of Mario and Princess Peach.

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