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"Will you stop whining?" I ask in a harsh tone to Amnisty.

"But it's the last day of the festival!" Amnisty whines more to my annoyance.

She is clinging to my arm and her head is tilted with a small disappointed look on it. Despite her whining, I think Amnisty is absolutely adorable, but I'll never tell her that. And when Amnisty tugs on my arm, it makes it really hard for me not to put them around her and hold her. But I don't think Amnisty would like that.

To restrain myself, I make another harsh comment. "Thanks for the update Captain Obvious."

Amnisty rolls her eyes. "You're such a meanie!"

"If I'm such a meanie then why are you spending the last day of the festival with me instead of your friends?" I ask her sarcastically, of course. I would much rather have Amnisty spending time with me instead of her friends. Especially that creep Lysander.

My eyes narrow at the thought of him and Amnisty looks away. Crap. She probably thought I narrowed my eyes at her! "I thought we were friends." Amnisty says dejectedly.

Trying to make up for my mistake, I blurt out, "Yes, we were! We're friends!" Crap! Why did I say that?

Amnisty turns to me with a broad smile. "So then you won't mind me spending the entire day with you."

It wasn't even a question. Amnisty strides past me, entering my classroom, and disappears behind a curtain at the entrance. I rush over inside. Another student has already guided Amnisty to one of the tables set up in a corner.

"I lied." I say as I approach the table.

She tilts her head. "You forgot to say your highness. You're a crappy butler. Maybe I should get a new one." Amnisty says with a grin and I can tell she is enjoying this.

My class had the brilliant idea of doing a butler/maid cafe. And I happened to be one of the butlers. Turns out that a bunch of the girls in class thought I was hot, just hard to approach. If I had known that then maybe I wouldn't have fall- I mean, grown close to Amnisty! Yeah! That's what I mean.

I scowl. Maybe? Then again. Amnisty is hard not to lov- Err! I mean, befriend. Gosh. What am I talking about? I need to get away from Amnisty. My brain just goes to absolute mush when she's around. Ok, Quinn. Just say something and walk away.

"Fine then! See if I care!" I say a bit too coldly. Amnisty' face falls and I swiftly turn around to leave before I hug her or say something mushy or stupid to cheer her up. I only manage to take a couple steps before stopping.

Wait! You can't let another guy serve her! She's yours. Uh- She's your friend? Yes! Amnisty is your friend so you must serve her! You can't let another guy serve your friend after all, can you?

Shaking my head, I turn around and come back. "We have coffee, hot cocoa, and muffins. What would you like?" I ask solemnly. I have to repress a smile when Amnisty's face lights up.

"You have to say 'your Highness'," she coons.

Argh! Now she's just toying with me. Looking at me with those big blue eyes and saying it in that sweet, adorable voice. Why does everything have to be so difficult when it comes to you, Amnisty?!

"Your Highness," I grumble.

Amnisty giggles. Damn it! How on earth do you expect me to focus on anything, but you when you giggle like that, Amnisty?!

Amnisty pretends to ponder about what she wants. I sigh in the hopes of speeding things up. She glances at me out of the corner of her eye. "Hmm," she says.

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