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Author's Note:
I have done some editing and changed the name Cyrus to Quinn in this book. Same character, just a different name. I hope that doesn't confuse you. And I honestly don't remember how the lay out of the school in this story. So, just go with it.

Also, I'm sorry for not posting in awhile. If you come across any errors, please let me know. I appreciate it. Thank you and enjoy.


I stood and stretched, rubbing my eyes from looking at the computer screen for too long. Hearing my stomach rumble, I checked the time. It's midnight. Everyone should be asleep by now, or so I thought.

I was stooped over rummaging through the fridge when someone snuck up behind me and hit me with a frying pan. I whirled around quickly, pinning the person by the wrist against the kitchen wall. It was the mouse, what was her name again? I noticed that she was about to scream so I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shh. Don't wake up my sister." I begged her in a hushed whisper.

She mumbled something through my hand. I removed my hand so I could hear her better. "Sister?"

"Yes. Leyla. You're her friend, aren't you?" I still had her pressed up against the kitchen wall. I backed away now.

"Oh! So you must be the mythical Lysander." She beamed. She shifts gears quickly. One minute beating me with a pan and the next trying to be my friend.

I click my tongue. "Mythical?"

She stepped past me and closed the fridge door, bathing us in the darkness. "Yeah. No one else has ever seen you before," she walked over and flipped on the light switch, "but Leyla insists that you are real."

"Yes. I'm very much real." I feel slightly insulted, but brush it off. "What's your name again?"

She turned back at me with a pout. "It's Amnisty! And you should know the name of the people living under your roof."

Amnisty? That's a pretty name. "Geez. Don't get so worked up." I put my hands up defensively, but only as a joke. I turn back around and get a frozen hot pocket from the freezer. "You want one, Amnisty?"

The girl sat down at the kitchen island. "Thank you."

I guess that means yes. I stuck one in the microwave then did another one for her. Taking a seat next to Amnisty, I asked, "So what are you doing up at midnight?"

"It's the last day of winter break. I don't want to waste it on sleep." Amnisty says as she starts eating the hot pocket.

"Oh! I forgot about that. I should go buy a uniform."

"A uniform?" Amnisty looked at me with a tilt of her head.

I nod mine. "Yeah. I was thinking of coming back to school. Though I'll still be a junior for missing a year."

She clapped her hands together, startling me. "That's wonderful. Education is very important, you know?" Is she trying to be a mother?

"Uh-huh," I take a bite out of my hot pocket, "I know. I'm not stupid."

Amnisty gave me a coy smile, "Says the guy who took a year off."

I'm glad she wasn't looking because it was hard for me to hold in my chuckle. "Shut up, you insomniac." I flicked Amnisty's forehead.

She turned towards me with her fork. "Careful! I'm not afraid to stab you."

"It's hard to take you seriously when you're smiling like that." I give her a wink.

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