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I'm sitting on a beach. The waves are rolling in, but I'm safe. I'm taking in the smell and enjoying life. A big white seagull lands next to me. It opens its mouth and a beeping sound starts coming out. I stare at the bird, perplexed. The beeping is rhythmic and sounds familiar. Wait. That's my...

"...alarm." I mumble and reach over the side of the bed. I pick up my phone and click dismiss. Suddenly it beeps again. A text. Annoying.

I was about to ignore it when I noticed it was from Calder. It was something about meeting him for lunch and bringing Ashlyn.

Ashlyn the Aquarius, my roommate for both the cruel six weeks of summer school and now my last year as a senior here. Where could that picky brat be? I pick up my head and look around.

Suddenly the bathroom door opens and out walks a six foot diva. Her natural strawberry blonde hair flows around her in angelic curls, cupping her face in the front and becoming strikingly long down to her waist. She stares at me with eyes the color of the ocean. "Your finally up, sleepy Libra." She says before walking to her bed on the other side of the room.

"Calder wants us to meet him for lunch." I yawn and stretch.

"The yummy Pisces?" she giggles.

I nod yes and slip on my slippers. "Im going to take a shower," I announce to mostly the room.

"You should let me curl that black hair of yours." Ashlyn says as she picks out her outfit for the day.

I don't enjoy curling my hair. It gets a burned smell. And I tell her that I don't like doing it, but Ashlyn tends to ignore me on such matters. Sometimes she does stuff that I hate, but I never say anything. Ashlyn is just being her annoying self, so I try my best to hold it in.

Really, I try, but I think I'm reaching my limit. I've had to put up with her annoying behavior for so long. And she always goes against what I say or disregards it. It's getting harder to bottle my anger.


An hour later our make up is applied and we are finally ready to be seen by the world. Ashlyn and I make our way through our dirty, roach invested dorm to sweet freedom. We were walking together across the manicured lawn to the cafeteria for breakfast and I was trying my best not to get into another argument with her.

"I'm so hungry. Aren't you, senpai?" Ashlyn rubs her stomach.

I don't even glance at her as I respond coldly, "Stop calling me senpai."

"But why senpai?" Ashlyn completely disregards me, as usually.

I roll my eyes. It's just for one year, I tell myself before I lose it. I open my mouth to respond when some jerk bumps into me. Great. What now?

I turn around fast as day with my voice prepared to yell this kid to death for being so negligent. But I freeze when I notice who it is. "When did you cut your hair, Calder?"

Its Calder with a crew cut but something is a bit off. A different aura radiates from him and he isn't trying to feel me up like he normally does. Somehow this 'Calder' seems more mature.

He shakes his head. "No. You are thinking of my twin brother," He slips on a pair of glasses, "I'm sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't wearing my glasses. How do you know Calder?"

Twin brother? Calder never mentioned he had one. "We met at summer school." My voice sounds foreign to me.

I can't believe he has a brother and he never told us. I look away and scowl. Now I'm really mad. It seems everything is pushing my buttons today. I just want to go to breakfast and classes and forget everything.

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