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Authors note:

I'm sorry I haven't published in a week. I've been grounded. Got my phone back today though. This isn't as long as the others. I'm sorry for that. But I did try to make it funny. Though I have a feeling I failed a little. And I also tried to get the zodiac sign Virgo (Mason) more involved. I feel like we forget about him sometimes. Lol. Well enjoy this part or chapter (?). It's told from a Taurus point of view (I don't know how they think! Please forgive me). And if you guys think I did at least a decent job so far please let me know by voting for one.


"Good morning," my younger brother Ari the Leo said as he sat up on the air mattress and stretched. I looked at his red hair that stuck up. It's untamable, just like him.

"It's the afternoon." I set down a plate of cut up pears in front of him.

He grabbed a slice and ate it hungrily. "Just be glad I'm up." Ari said through a mouthful. I laughed at him. "What's so funny?" Some juices flew out while he tried to talk with his mouth full.

"Oh, just you." I neatly ate a slice. Our, whatever you want to call this meal, was interrupted by a loud bang from downstairs. See, my brother and I, are homeless. For the past week we have been camping out in this abandoned factory out in the woods. "Probably raccoons." I told Ari to calm him down.

He looked at me and I could tell he wasn't convinced. "I'm going to check it out," he said. I nodded my head. Ari stepped out quietly and disappeared from my view. My little brother can be so jumpy. I should just let him go otherwise he'll stay like that. I sighed and ate another slice.

Just then I heard a shriek from downstairs, and it wasn't my brother. Unless he suddenly starting screaming like a girl. I jumped and raced down the stairs to find Ari and some small girl. "Oh! You finally found someone smaller than you." I rubbed Ari's head and chuckled.

He shoved my hand away and said, "She's an intruder."

"Well this isn't your place. And technically I'm trespassing. So are you guys." The strange girl said.

"We are squatting." I correct her. She shrugs her shoulders as if to say whatever. "Don't just shrug your shoulders at me!" I scold her.

"I can do whatever I want."

Ari chuckles and says, "I like this girl."

"You like anyone who isn't me." I look down at him.

"True. True." Ari nods his head.

The girl waves her hand in front of our faces. "I'm sorry to interrupt your brotherly moment, but I'm lost and would like to get home."

"How did you even get her? You don't look like a hiker." She was wearing a t-shirt with a jacket, jeans, and sneakers. Definitely not hiker garb.

"My friend said he needed help with his science experiment. So I offered to help. We drove around for a bit. He ended up kicking me out at the edge of the woods and said he wanted to see if humans can find their way home like dogs do. Then he just drove off."

"Some friend," I mumbled.

Ari smiled and said, "We can totally help you out."

"Thank you so much," she smiled and held out her hand, "I'm Amnisty."

"I'm Ari and the grumpy one over there," he vaguely waves at me, "is my older brother Joseph."

"Don't just vaguely wave at me!" I wack him on top of his head. "And what if I don't want to help this girl. She's rude and strange. Amnisty, if that's even her name, can be a serial killer." I cross my arms and look down her. Her blue eyes have a fire burning behind them and I can tell she's trying to control her anger.

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