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Author's Note:

Hey, guys. I just updated this and fixed my errors. I should have done that before posting it, but it was midnight and I was tired. I'm glad I got to fix this up a bit. If you notice any that I forgot to fix, point it out please.


I sit on the sofa, tapping my foot as Ashlyn paces back and forth. "It's been almost two weeks!" Ashlyn frets. "Cassidy is avoiding me. I know she is, but why? I thought we had something." Ashlyn sighs in frustration.

"What if she's just busy? How do you even know that she's avoiding you?" I ask Ashlyn.

She paces some more in her heels. "Every time I see her, she looks away and dashes off. I tried talking to Cassidy, but she always made some excuse. What am I going to do, Max?"

I lean back on the couch, contemplating everything that Ashlyn has told me so far. That Wednesday, when her and Cassidy had skipped afternoon lessons became a sort of spontaneous date. A date that went extremely well. And from what I've seen, Ashlyn has really taken a liking to Cassidy. As something more than friendship. It sounds like Cassidy may have seen Ashlyn as something more than a friend, too. So why is she avoiding Ashlyn?

I sigh. "Have you tired asking her?"

Ashlyn gives me this look with her oceanic eyes as if I was crazy to suggest such a thing. "What am I suppose to do? Just tell her that I like her and ask why she's avoiding me?" I grimace. When put that way, it does sound a bit...

"You're right, Ash." I rest my head in my hands as I think. "Maybe I could talk to her?" I suggest.

Ashlyn sits down next to me with a heavy sigh. After a minute of silence, she whines. "But you don't really know her. Won't that be awkward?" She turns to me with a troubling look on her face.

I give her a reassuring smile. "I'll talk with Cassidy and figure this all out."

"Thank you so much!" Ashlyn perks up next to me.

"Maybe she's avoiding you because of how spoiled you are." Justice commented as she came into the room and sits down on the opposite sofa.

Ashlyn turns to Justice. "How am I spoiled?" She gives Justice these big puppy dog eyes.

Justice just turns on the TV and didn't even glance at Ashlyn. "You are always getting what you want."

"Am not." Ashlyn pouts like a child. I snicker. She turns to me, her locks swirling, and snaps, "Why are you laughing, Max?"

"You can be immature sometimes. It's not bad." I say coolly.

"You and Justice are just ganging up on me." Ashlyn pouts even more. I glance over at Justice. She is watching TV with a small smile playing on her lips.

"Believe what you want, Ash. You always do." Justice says, tuning us out.

"I think that's my cue to go. Catch you later." I say, getting up and leaving the girls as they started squabbling amongst each other. I shake my head and go to the my room. Ashlyn and Justice sure have a weird friendship. They argue a lot, but are closer than most.

I head upstairs and enter the room I share with Ari and Joseph. Joseph and Mason are sitting on one bed, Mason typing away on his phone and Joseph being bored.

"Are you ever not on your phone?" I ask Mason as I sit down.

It seems that since Amelia and Layla have started dating, Mason has been glued to his phone. I know the kid had a crush on Amelia. Everyone could tell. It was obvious. But should he really be hurt over it after a month?

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