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(I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything in a couple days. It's the week of the finals at my school and I have been busy. The finals are coming to an end soon. So I will try my best to post a chapter every two to three days. And I will also post a special/bonus chapter biweekly or weekly. Please enjoy this chapter, which is told from Sagittarius's point of view.)


I stretch and let out a small yawn. I fell asleep in class, I look around groggily. Miss Nugent got tired of me and Leyla's constant chatter. So to punish us, she separated us today. From this day on I have to sit next to him. I look over at the guy next to me.

All I see is his mass of black hair as he stares out the window with those startlingly white eyes. They aren't completely white. A dark blue swirls around at the edges. I honestly think his eyes are beautiful, but Leyla finds them, or rather him, frightening. Maybe people are scared of him because of his height. He's a staggering six feet and five inches.

"Stop staring at me." He growls a warning at me.

"I wasn't staring!" I say defensively and look back at the board. Damn. I guess I was staring. But how did he know? He wasn't even looking at me!

I squint to see the board from way back here. "If you need glasses then you should have sat up front, idiot." He mutters to me.

"I didn't really have a choice, now did I?" I ask him rhetorically and shoot him a glance. He goes back to staring out the window. "What are you staring at?" I glare at him.

"This window over looks the P.E. court. I'm just checking out the girls with big boobs. Unlike yours," he motions a finger at my small boobs while never taking his eyes away from the window.

"They are A cups and they have feelings." I cover them with my arms and look back at the board. Miss Nugent was droning on about literary devices and then she finally assigns the class some work. Work always perks me up. After awhile I decide to try talking to Quinn again, the kid next to me. "Why don't you like me?" I ask him quietly.

"You are loud and annoying." He mutters as he erases the same answer for the same question for a third time. I look over at his paper. It's a mess. More than half the answers are wrong or unreadable. Quinn really needs to work on his hand writing.

"I'm finished with all my work. Do you want some help?" I ask him politely. Quinn shoots me a questioning glance. He sounds reluctant when he finally says yes.

We did that till the end of class. It wasn't so bad. I was more quiet than I usually am. And we found out some stuff about each other in the process. Though the peace treaty was short lived because...

"The school needs some extra help cleaning the auditorium tomorrow. I nominated both of you. Be at school by nine AM." Miss Nugent said to us at the end of class. As an afterthought she said, "Amnisty gave me the idea yesterday. When she said 'Me and my partner for class would be happy to volunteer on Saturday.'" Miss Nugent gives us a cheerful smile and sends us on our way. Quinn gave me a nasty look after that. The Cold War has started again.

I told her that on Thursday, when Leyla was still sitting next to me. Damn that sly teacher, I silently cursed while walking to the cafeteria. I realize something else now. Tomorrow is Saturday. We are suppose to go to laser tag on Saturday around one. Will I still be able to make it? I didn't say anything to anyone because I didn't want them to get upset and ruin their good mood. I will just have to clean fast in order to make it.


The rest of the day was rather uneventful. I just kept worrying about tomorrow, which is now today. Yes, today is Saturday. I had Maxwell drop me off at Elite just before nine. I told him I wanted to study for some test on Monday. Technically, it isn't a lie. I do have a test on Monday, but I'm not at school to study for it.

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