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"Don't worry. They will be here soon." I reassured the girls. Amnisty sat next to me on the edge of the lunch table with her arms crossed. Leyla, the beautiful goddess, stood next to her friend. I gave Layla the look over then noticed Justice approaching. I nudged Amnisty's shoulder. "Look! Here comes one of them now."

"One of them?" Leyla questions.

I simply stood up. Something was wrong. Justice was...angry? "What has your panties in a bunch?" I walked around the girls to stand before Justice. With our six foot two frames we towered over Amnisty and Leyla.

"I bet he didn't tell you either." Justice completely ignored me and addressed the girls.

"Tell us what?" Amnisty asked innocently.

Now Justice fixed her violet eyes on mine. "He has a twin brother named Maxwell."

"Another one? Oh god." Leyla rolled her eyes. Aminsty just looked curiously up at Justice. She reminded me of a puppy looking up to it's master.

But I had no time for such thoughts. I took a seat to steady myself for what was to come next. "Where is he?"

"Ashlyn is bringing him over right now. Oh, look! Here they come." Justice glances back the way she came. Ashlyn, the pretty fairy, comes walking calmly on her heels. Her arm linked with my look a like, Maxwell.

Everything I do, he always has to do better. I can't stand him. Mother and father adore him while I'm nothing but an inconvenience for them. Maxwell will always be the apple in their eyes. I keep my gaze just over his shoulder. I just can't bring myself to look him in the eye. He gives a nod to the girls and Justice and says hi.

"I see you have finally recovered." I say gloomily.

"It is nice to see you too, brother." He says and looks at Ashlyn nervously. She nods her head in approval, those strawberry blonde twin pigtails of hers bobbing.

Amnisty looks curiously between the both of us then speaks up, "Maxwell, it's great to meet you. I'm happy to have you as a roommate."

"Roommate?" Everyone says in unison, even me.

Amnisty only smiles. "Why of course!" She beams.

How can she be so happy? Can't she sense the tension in the air? Maybe it's just me. I sigh and look at the ground.

Amnisty sits next to me as Leyla starts talking to the others and fills them in on everything. She leans against me and whispers, "Don't worry. You guys don't have to share a room or ever be alone together. And you don't need to keep everything to yourself, I'm always here."

I look at her surprised. She's smiling as always and I give her a weary smile back, "Thanks." I guess she did notice after all. I'm glad someone noticed me...

She sits up straight. "You should smile more instead of being so serious." She noticed my confused look and explained, "I know we've only known each other for a day, but I noticed how you are usually in the corner just wandering. You look so serious when you are deep in thought."

I let out a light chuckle. "I'm just day dreaming." Without warning Amnisty playfully jabs my side. "What was that for?" I ask her while I rub my now sore rib.

"You drank the last of the milk this morning. I wanted a bowl of Lucky Charms." She tries to pull a serious face but we both end up giggling.

It was a nice laugh. Then suddenly she looked away. I guess she decided to join the conversation. I shrugged. It's about time I find out what going on.

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