The Mountain District

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The Note Translation

The Lights are falling, catch them quickly we haven’t much time.

Bring down the evil before it destroys our home.



  The Valley district was full of activity. A storm cloud of pure silver lighting had taken form on the border of their land and the forbidden lands. The District was getting ready to send out they’re best Light Walkers to extract it and their best Shadow Walkers to store it.

  Too bad their newest walkers lately have been neither Shadow nor Light. Britney couldn’t understand it. She’s worked so very carefully, she’d erased their memories, all of them and even wiped the Mountain District out of history. It was just folk lore now. She’d been so careful and so precise.

  She’d rearranged the lights so anyone whom would strike up memories would be far away from each other. She’d been so careful, but she never planned on new lights arriving and screwing everything up. Now all the Districts are talking to one another more often because they need to find mentors for the new lights where there would be none for the new lights walker type.

  People are remembering and are beginning to ask questions. Britney has quelled most of it but that stupid Fox keeps getting in the way, her mind has been the most troublesome. Britney wouldn’t allow for this to go on any longer the Dream World was hers and hers alone. She wasn’t going to lose what she worked so hard to achieve just because one stupid light was being difficult. If she over threw the last ruler she could snuff out one little light.

  The flapping of wings brought Britney from her thoughts. She looked over just in time to see Louie dropped down onto the balcony his white feathered wings losing their shape and the feathers drifting off on the wind only to dissolve into sparkles leaving Louis wingless.

  “Well?” Britney asked.

  “The Lights will not move.” He responded, “They’ve already been pushed to the point of no return. If we do not let them return to-”

  “Enough.” Britney dismissed his complaints with a wave of her hand. “I don’t keep you around for your looks scar face. Get your feathered butt back up there and keep trying. Fox’s memories will be mine.” She vowed. Louis just stared at her. “Go!” Britney shouted, “I want those memories! Without them Fox isn’t a threat!”

  “What of Cerberus?” Louis questioned.

  “What of ‘em?” Britney glared threatening Louis to object any farther. Louis let out a slow sigh glancing inside as he hopped of the balcony his wings taking form again as he re-ascended into the sky where the lights were.

  “Stupid angel,” Britney growled and walked back inside. The boy, Vain was standing in front of the bird bath as always. Britney didn’t much mind for such a creature but he has his uses. Tied up and stuck in a chair with a guard watching carefully sat the triplets that so boldly defied her sat still and defiant.

  “Will you talk yet?” Britney questioned.

  “No wonder you didn’t go to meet Fox when she first woke.” Madden commented.

  “She would have seen straight through you in a second.” Garran added.

  “We should have believed her sooner about her stolen memories.” Cellus chimed in. Britney scoffed, she was getting tired of those types of comments when Louie returned with Fox’s memories she could use it as leverage to get the information she wanted.

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