Chapter 7

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(Quick notice: I return to school tomorrow.... I cry. As a result sadly updates will take longer then usual, hope you can wait.)

Andy's P.O.V

Did I really just do that?

I swim up to the surface and open my eyes to see a completely speechless Nate now standing close to the pool. He was covering his mouth in shock with a now slightly, paled face.

As I looked around people were cheering and roaring in delight at my bold move, I couldn't help but laugh. I raised my fist in the air and screamed back, which just riled them up more. I refocused my attention to Nate who was now smiling at me.

Before he could say anything people immediately followed my lead and started undressing and jumping into the pool. Some girls were wearing swimsuits like me, some jumped in with just their bra and their underwear and others didn't even bother to undress.

The noise quickly attracted the attention of the people inside who immediately ran to the pool and the party seemed to have been moved without a secound thought.

I looked at Nate who was now undressing, he pulled off his shirt revealing his beautiful abs. His muscle lines were completely visible, it looked as if he was carved by a sculptor. Sections of his body tensed up with his body movements, causing me to drool a little. As he took of his pants, my eyes slowly trailed up and down his body. His arms were so big and muscular, my legs firm and taut. His boxers looked like swim pants, I think he planned to swim as well, they fitted him nicely allowing his mouth watering v-line to make an appearance.

Could he get any hotter?

Shut up brain!

I realised I was sinking a little and quickly tried to regain control of myself. Nate dived into the pool and swam straight towards me through all the people, with every arm stroke my heartbeat speed up a little more. He stopped right in front me and stood effortlessly in the pool, even though I was drowning just from looking at him. His body easily towered above mine and I gulped nervously.

"How is it that you keep surprising me?" He says stepping closer to me and I try swimming back a bit avoiding the sudden closeness, but my efforts are in vain they are people all around which meant no escape.

"Maybe if you didn't underestimate me so much and you wouldn't be surprised." I retort confidently.

"I'll keep that in mind love." He replies stepping closer once again, someone bounces into me and my body ends up against his.

He pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around my waists and I instinctively wrap my legs around him.

"Maybe you should hold onto me, you be safe." He says smirking at me.

"Sure...." I say with a laugh as I place my arms on his shoulders.

"I thought you didn't go to parties, how did you know to wear a swimsuit?" He asks confused.

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