Chapter 26

11K 314 12

Okay, so I'm kind of freaking the fuck out right now. Ummmmmmmmm

We reached 1k!!!! What in the actual fuck. I'm so incredibly happy it's not possible to explain, it's the most one of my books have ever reached and I want to cry.

Thank you so much for reading my book, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to read it.

Okay, I'm gonna stop now so you can read the rest.
Enjoy humanssssss.


Andy's P.O.V

A few hours later I was discharged from the hospital, I was given some more medicine and a mouthful of instructions from the doctor. Nate was currently carrying me to our tents, I told him I could walk but he wouldn't have any of it. So here I am, cuddling into his hard chest with my legs dangling on the side as he carried me bridal style.

"Nate?" I say suddenly, my voice still sounded raspy but it was a lot easier for me to talk now. He looked down at me with a hum.

"Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly, we hadn't really talked since I woke up. 

"I should be asking you that." He replies and I frown, he sighs when he sees my crinkled forehead.

"I'm fine Andy." He says simply offering me a smile, but I knew the smile was a little broken from his usual one. I decided to leave it alone for now as he stopped at the tents. He put me down softly, before I could thank him Emily and David scrambled out the tent at our presence. 

"Where the hell have you been, it's almost time for the night show." Emily practically screams at us and I chuckle in response.

"We were in the hos-"

"Hostile camp." I finish smoothly cutting of Nate, I can feel his glare boring holes into me but I ignore it and give Emily a smile.

"Hostile camp? I've never heard of the hostile camp." She says puzzled, looking towards David who just shrugged.

"Not surprising, it's for you know hostile people." I say with a smirk and her face immediately drops causing me to laugh.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. See if I get your dinner." She says before twirling on her heels, smacking her hair in my face in the process and stomping away with David. I pull at the hair on my tongue as I turn to Nate.

"Why didn't you tell her about the hospital?" He asks immediately, his deep voice laced with anger.

"Did you really want me to tell Emily that I was in the hospital, that wouldn't end well for you." I say with a light laugh but Nate face remains stoic.

"Maybe I deserve whatever she would've done to me." He says softly and I immediately smack his left cheek. He grabs it in surprise staring at me with wide eyes, he rubs in softly looking for an explaination.

"I don't need an emo boyfriend in my life. So get over it so we can go to the show tonight." I say smoothly.

"We're not going the show tonight." He says sternly and I frown.

"Why not?"

"Your still recovering."

"Recovering? Nate, I don't have some life threatening disease. I didn't die, I fainted." I state clearly getting a little pissed.

"You still need to rest."

"I always need to rest, my bed is my water." I reply angrily. "I'm not spending another night in that tent, no matter how much I like spending time with you." I finish crossing my arms.

"Then I'll take you out."

Wait what?

"What happened to 'resting'" I ask with a little too much sass.

"I rather us go on a date, than you sneaking out later to go dance." He answers and a chuckle escapes his mouth making a smile appear on my own.

"I'm not the type to sneak out." I reply with a questioning smile.

"You still don't see the badass I do." He replies wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Not..just....yet." I reply slowly planing a light kiss on his lips, we break the kiss not daring to break the comforting hold of the other.

Guess he forgot about the hospital.

"I'm happy we came on this trip together." He says with a smile kissing my forehead, I feel my heart quicken in response.

"Me too." I reply snuggling into him more, "I just can't believe it took us flying to another country for you to ask me out." 

"Oh, we're gonna go there?" He asks with a toothy grin looking down on me.

"Uhmm." I reply nodding.

"Really?"He stretches a laugh escape his mouth as he folds his lips smiling.

"Yeah." I return quickly as I burst out into a fit of giggles.

"I hate you."He says squeezing me tightly, resting his chin on my head.

"I like you too." I mumble into his chest.


Nate gave me very little details on where we were going, I don't think he himself knew but I decided to wear a simple, rose pink, lace dress I found in Emily's suitcase. I plaited my hair back letting some fall at the sides and threw on a gold bracelet before hopping out the tent. Nate wasn't ready so I played around like a little child, getting a few stares of course. I stopped when Nate's tent exit zipped open. 

He climbed out in all his fineness. He was wearing a fitted, black, button up dress shirt and blue jeans. His hair was parted at the side and combed back, I immediately licked my lips at how good he looked. He gave me a quick smile after he was done his own look over of me, I returned it happily and linked our arms without hesitation.

"So where are we going Nathaniel?" I question in a preppy voice and he frowns for a secound at the mention of his full name but shook it off quickly.

"Well we're in Belgium so I thought we'd go experience the Brussels night life and then have some dinner." He says simply squeezing my small hand happily as we began to walk.

"You do realise we are in the middle of nowhere, how are we gonna get around?" I ask realising that we had no car and walking wasn't an option.

"I got us this." Nate says gesturing to a black, vespa making my coo.

"Nate I love it." I say with a goofy smile as my fingers trail the leather seat.

"I thought you would." He says looking at me with a bright smile while his hands stay tucked in his pocket.

"You don't strike me as a vespa kinda guy." I say skeptically causing him to laugh throwing back his head. As he looks back at me a few single strands fall perfectly by his eye making me lick my lips.

"I don't know if I am, but that doesn't matter. Tonight is about us, love." He says seductively stretching over to give me a soft kiss on my forehead and I swoon all over again.

"Now get on, time to have some fun." He says with a toothy grin handing me a helmet.

Hey guys!!!?
Sorry to stop short but I have a flight to catch so yeah.

It's a long one, so expect chapters when I get WiFi.

Hope you guys enjoyed.

Thanks again for 1k. I love you all❤.

Until next time,
Byeeeee humans.

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