Chapter 27

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Andy's P.O.V

I jump off the vespa after Nate parks us in some back corner, because he's too cheap to pay for a parking space in a lot like a normal person. I smiled brightly at him when he offered his hand, I took it happily as he dragged me along. 

"You've been here before?" I ask, he was just too good with the little side roads and secret corners he was taking.

"I was born in Brussels, this is where the Smiths adopted me." He says with avoiding my eyes before giving me a weak smile.

"Oh." I say softly angry at myself for bringing something like that up.

"Hey, hey hey." He says stopping and holding my cheeks, "don't you dare feel bad love. Tonight is our night, we're gonna make the most of it." He says planting a light kiss on my forehead before grabbing my hand once again leading me through the town.

Jonas Blue - Perfect Strangers

We were basically running through back alleys, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel dirty or cheap. But I kept my mouth shut and tried to convince myself that we wouldn't get jumped, as we ran the city lights started to come into view and I felt my heart speed up in anticipation. The closer we got the light started flooding into the darkness, Nate looked back at me with a goofy smile as soon as we broke through revealing the city.

 The closer we got the light started flooding into the darkness, Nate looked back at me with a goofy smile as soon as we broke through revealing the city

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He lets go of my hand as I stumble forward with my mouth hung wide open at the sight before me. I step down the stairs quickly standing in the middle of the pavilion. I laugh escapes my lips as I look towards Nate who gives me an encouraging smile. I laugh as I spin in the middle letting myself enjoy the moment. When I finally stop spinning I feel nauseous, I quickly stumble over to Nate who holds me tightly in him arms.

"You like?" He asks with a hesitant smile, I almost want to hit him for asking such a stupid question.

"It's amazing." I reply staring into his beautiful orbs for eyes, he smiles back down at me.

"Let's go." He grabs my hand and we're off again.


After hours of exploring the beautiful City of Brussels, Nate and I finally took a break, going for dinner. We drove there with the vespa, we got off in front of this huge restaurant with beautiful cursive letters broadcasting its name. Nate offered his arm and I slipped mine into his as we made our way inside. The place was packed and I started to worry that we wouldn't get a table. Nate walked straight up to the receptionist and I followed behind nervously.

"Bonjour, tu parle français ou anglais?" The lady says swiftly and I blinked repeatedly, suddenly I regretted not paying attention in class.

"Nous parlons anglais, je m'appelle Nathaniel Smith." Nate replies with a smile, my eyes widened in surprise at the fact that he knew French.

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