Chapter 36

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Picture of Zane

Andy's P.O.V

When the last bell rang through the halls, I left my class quickly and made my way to the corner store Zane seemed to live in. I swung the door open to find no one at the counter making me frown, I look down an aisle to see him dancing around with earphones in his ears as he sweeps the aisle. I run up to him quickly tapping his shoulder making him turn around, pulling out one of his earbuds in annoyance.

"How may I help you?" He says still swaying his hips a little.

"I need to talk to you. Your plan worked." I say dancing on my toes, tugging his shirt towards the counter but his groans against it.

"Look babe, I'm not your therapist. Believe it or not I have to work." He says shoving me off a bit making me sigh. "So I ca-"

"I'll buy you ice-cream."

"What seems to be the problem?" He says dropping the broom, before getting himself a tub of vanilla ice cream. He lifts up a rum and raisin with a raised eyebrow and I nod happily before sliding over the counter. We pop open the lids before diving in with some plastic spoons, we both let out a satisfied moan as the first spoonful.

"So I talked to broken-nose like you told me to, tu-"

"Back up. I never told you to do anything, I suggested that you should talk to him." He says clearly.

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is when shit goes bad for you, you can't blame me for anything." He says taking another spoonful.

"Anyway, I talked to him. Turns out the ex of Nate was a real bitch and fucked him up even more. Then they stole a cop car then they went to a shooting. So they went inside and something happened inside and she got shot and now she's in a coma!" I ramble on quickly.

"Lol, she's in a coma." He says chuckling making me frown.

"It's messed up to laugh at that." I say making him smirk.

"It's funny cause she's dumb." He says with his mouth full. A few girls walk in the store and he smiles brightly at them making them blush before heading somewhere in the store.

"Anyway so this entire time he hasn't been cheating on me." I say with a sigh, feeling a pang of guilt.

"Yeah. He couldn't cause she's in a fucking coma." He says laughing towards the end. Before I could respond, the girls place their items on the counter, their eyes glued to Zane.

"Well hello there!" He says charmingly, leaning of as he sucks the ice cream from his spoon. The girls melt just like the ice cream as they stare at him.

"H-hey." One says tucking a piece of her hair behind her hair, I smirked to myself as I grabbed some plastic bags as I started to pack their stuff. Zane continues to talk them up, making them squirm about like two year olds. 

"You know what I like you guys, why don't we put this on the house." Zane says making them gasp.

"You're like amazing."


"Are you serious?"

"No." Zane answers laughing as the girls frown. "D-did you see their faces?!" He exclaims towards me clutching his stomach tightly, he'd done it so many times while I was here last time that it lost its affect to me

"Never gets old. That'll be $34.50." He says when he stops laughing, one of the girls angrily shoves two twenties in his hand while the other snatches the bags from me and they stomp off without their change. Zane chuckles sitting back in his seat, returning his attention to the forgotten ice cream.

"So what should I do?" I ask him making him raise an eyebrow.

"About what?"

"Nate? The girl in the coma?" I say making him smile.

"Right, right." He says as his eyes widen. "I don't know."

"Zane." I warn.

"Fine, I guess talk to the guy. Tell him you know so that you guys can fix your little relationship." He says with a shrug.

"But I'm scared." I say playing with my fingers, making him scrunch his face up.

"I give advice, I don't mess with emotions."

I sigh before grabbing my stuff, I wasn't angry at him. I knew that wasn't the type of friendship we had, are we even friends?

"Are we friends?" I ask curiously as he throws away our empty tubs.

"I don't know, are we?" He asks with a devious smirk.

"I'll see you around."

"Bye babe." He says as I walk out the door.

Maybe I should talk to Nate, I mean I did shut him out because I wanted the reason and now I knew so I shouldn't I talk to him about it. While I still had the balls and courage, I made my way to Nate's house instead of going straight home. I knocked on the door playing with my sweating fingers nervously. The door swung open revealing Nate's mom with the twins clenching to both her legs.

"Andy!" The boys says before their mom could, the jump straight off of her, hugging me tightly.

"Hey Max! What's up Jax?" I say as I struggle to enter the house. They start rambling on about something before they get in an argument and start fighting.

"Hello Andy." Mrs.Smith says smiling.

"Hello." I say with a weak wave, "is Nate home?"

"Yes he's in his room. You know the way." She says with a smile before walking away happily. I gulp nervously before I head to Nate's room at the end of the hall. I breath before knocking the door lightly, I hear a grunt in response and decide to take that as an invitation to go in. I opened quickly, sliding myself in the room before shutting it quietly behind me. Nate was lying on his bed with his head to the ceiling, he checked lazily to see who came in, when he spotted me he basically pounced off his bed. He stares at me for a while, before rubbing his eyes to confirm I was there. 

"H-hey." I say nervously.

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