Chapter 49

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"What the hell are you wearing?" I ask as Nate opens the door for me to get in the car. I watch him carefully as he circles the car, he was wearing white.


I'd only ever seen the guy in dark clothing and here he was in a white button up that he left very open with the sleeves rolled up along with some dark shorts. He slides in the car before buckling himself in and driving off.

"Using a car and not the motorcycle, am I wrong or are you trying to scout me Mr.Smith?" I say in an old New-Yorker voice.

"Shut up." He says with a smirk playing on his lips.

"We don't have to do this you know." I say looking at him while he drives away carefully.

"S.A.T's are tomorrow we are going to enjoy the day and not stress about anything or ...anyone." He says firmly

"Still haven't opened it?" I ask quietly as Nate's fingers grip the steering wheel.

"I've decided to after the exam, I don't want to go in affected by whatever's inside of it." He says glancing my way.

"Okay." I reply neutrally not wanting to force him in anyway. "So where are you taking me?"

"No where near an arcade and definitely not a theme park." He says making me frown at the memory.


"I'm not willing to die. We're keeping it simple." He says giving me barely any details. I decide not to push any further on the topic as our conversation shifts to pressing world issues, like why there's bee and be, I'm pretty sure we'd still know which one someone was referring to if they were spelt the same.

We continue driving for hours so as any good passenger would, I feel asleep to pass the time.


"Get out." Nate says shaking me awake.

"I swear to Pizza, if this isn't a joke I will rip your balls off." I say rubbing my eyes sleepily.

"Too soon?" He asks laughing slightly.

"You think?" I grumble sarcastically as my eyes slowly focus on the scenery around us. I was sitting in a window cushioned little couch with the perfect view of the ocean. The sudden income of chattering makes my eyes shift to find a bunch of other people eating with waiters shifting around. "What the fuck.."

"We're in a restaurant." Nate fills in.

"No shit Nathaniel." I say refocusing my attention on the scenery.

"So hostile, what happened to my sweet, bookworm Andy?"

"She met you." I say sipping my water sad he smiles proudly.

"Do you like it?" He asks referring to the beautiful restaurant with the gorgeous view.

"Love would be a better word. It's really amazing, thank you for forcing me here." A passing waiter narrows his eyes when he hears forcing marking both Nate and I burst out into fits of laughter.

"Did you see his f-face?" Nate asks while snickering, I nod not able to breath let alone respond. The laughter dies down all too soon leaving us to order.

"What are you having?" I ask as my eyes take through the menu wanting everything.

"Chicken Alfredo." He says making me groan loudly as I roll my eyes back. "What?" He asks laughing.

"You're so basic!" I exclaim making his eyes widen. "We go to a really nice restaurant and you get the one thing you kind find literally anywhere else."

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