Chapter 29

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Andy's P.O.V

I walk into the school doors with an audible groan, the vacation was over in a flash and now here I was walking straight back into hell. I see a few people glance my way but I've grown accustom to it so I ignore them. I swing my locker door open to be met with a few spiderwebs, how is that even possible, I was gone a week or two.

I clear it quickly before stuffing my locker with my books, Emily pops up next to me and I jump in surprise making her to break out in fits of laughter.

"How can you have so much energy so early in the morning?" I ask lazily.

"Cause I'm happy to be here."
The sentence makes me frown then mentally vomit, I look at her with a face of disgust but she just laughs.

"Well I'm not, I liked that vacation." I complain as I remember our lovely adventure.

"Me too, but we life sucks balls so we're here. I just chose to accept it." She responds with a smile and I return it before I make my way to first period with her.
As usual the teacher gives a little speech about the new term and the work ahead, I zoned out by stuffing my nose into my new book. I was about a quarter way through when the bell rang and I glanced up to realise they did some work. I grabbed my bag and made my way through the halls, book in hand, I read as I walked swiftly moving around others. I turn around a corner before I bump into someone, I fall to the ground and rub my forehead.

"I'm getting a serious déjà-vu vibe right now."

I look up to see Nate in all black with his bag slung over his shoulder, his hand out for me. I grab my book then take his hand as he pulls me up, I fix myself before I allow myself to look at him.

"Why do you always bounce into me?" I ask crossing my arms with a cheeky smile. His eyes widen as he gives me a look of complete disbelief.

"I bounce into you?" I nod and he scoffs, "who has their head in a book?" He asks with a hum.

"You do."


"What?" I reply, he looks at me his eyes searching for answers as he scrunches his forehead. I can't keep up the charade much longer and break out laughing, he realises I'm messing with him and frowns. The bell rings intercepting our conversation and I remember I'm still in school.

Funny how I forget I'm here with him around...

"Try to get to class without bouncing into anyone else." He says with a soft smile before giving me a quick kiss, I watch as he disappears around a corner. I smile happily as I make my way to my next class.


Luckily, lunch came around quickly, I walked with a skip to my step as I made my way to the cafeteria. As soon as I enter the cafeteria my eyes go straight to my usual table but no ones is there, I frown when my eyes find Emily, David and Nate at the popular table. Nate sitting besides Blair who has her arm locked in his own.

I struggle to decide whether to go confront them or to go a day without food, the latter seemed better as I couldn't stand confrontations. But I felt the hot tide rising inside every time she laughed and inched a little closer to him, I never felt jealousy like this and I knew I'd say something horrible if I went over there. So I took a deep breath before turning around to leave, content with the idea of asking Nate about it later.

"Andy!" A voice shouts and I stop in my tracks, I turn slowly to see Nate standing at the table motioning for me to come over. I'm happy that he wants me to, but I'm not a fan of the popular kids. I'm not very social to begin with and I didn't like the way they acted or treated others, but the pleading eyes Nate sent me caused me to waddle over to the table.

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