Chapter 46

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"Andy, breath." Nate says massaging my tense shoulders.

"There's no calming that mess." Emily mumbles from my bed as she sifted through her phone, making me shoot her a glare which she responds to with an innocent smile.

"But what if they say no." I say nervously looking into his dark eyes that were emitting support and happiness.

"I'll still go with you." He says nonchalantly like if he didn't just say he'd blow off his parents wishes for me.

"No, I won't have your parents hating me." I reply trying to control my breathing.

"And I won't be away from you." He says kissing my cheek softly. Ever since that day on the roof, he's been really kind and affectionate. He gives me ninety five percent of his attention, giving the rest to Emily, which I didn't mind.
She was still in her false world of sunshine and rainbows, she somehow built walls up so high you couldn't even see the sun. We were there for her though, she had her own way of saying thanks to us, it was still an adjustment with the three of us. But we were making it work, ignoring the awkward atmosphere that would surround us whenever we'd pass David in the halls.

"They're here." Emily says looking through the curtains sending me into panic mode.

"Andy.." Nate warns cautiously seeing my change in behavior.

"Look babes." Emily says walking over to me. "You've done everything right, your a good kid. You only started living life a few months ago when you met Nate and even then you didn't rebel like stereotypes urged you to. You stayed you, a more badass you, but you nevertheless. Now downstairs are both your parents, who are proud of you and love you. You will go there and ask them for Nate to move with you and they'll say yes, because they love you. They may say know because that'd be surprising and your life always got twists like that but I doubt it." She finishes with a smile, her speech was helpful and gave me a new found confidence, well until that last bit. But I decided to ignore that part and run with the rest.

"I love you Em." I say hugging her tightly.

"I love me too." She says hugging me back, sending us both into fits of laughter. "Now go, I'll be watching from the staircase."

"Not creepy at all..." Nate mummers before taking my hand and leading the out the room. He gives it a light squeeze as we make our way to the room filled with conversation.
We enter the living room to see our parents already deep in conversation as  my mom shared our cake and tea. They've met a few times and already liked each other so much that they went on couple date nights together, leaving Nate and I to babysit all his siblings.

"There you two are!" My mother exclaims when she sees me. "Nathaniel!" She really loved Nate and by love I mean, she was obsessed with the guy.

"Hey Mrs.Christopher." He says giving her a hug which she happily accepted.

"Willow! Stop making me fell old!" My mom shouts slapping his arm, causing everyone to laugh.

"How are you Andy?" Nate's mother asks me with a bright smile.

"Fine, thank you." I say politely, it would be really great if they kept this happy attitude when they heard the rest.

"So what was so important that you guys called us together like this?" My dad asks as we sit next to each other, Nate still holding my hand supportingly.

"You didn't get the girl pregnant did you Nate." His father exclaims making my cheeks flush. "My God you did!"

"No! Nobody's pregnant!" Nate interrupts before the panic would spread throughout the room. "We just wanted to talk to you about our plans."

"Plans?" His mother asks narrowing her eyes. Nate glances at me, when I nod at him he continues.

"Andy is going to Brown, she's already in, I know it. Brown is all the way on the East Coast, meaning away from me.  Dad, mom, you guys want me to go to university really bad, I'm willing to go to one, a good one." He says making his parents face glow in joy.

"Oh Nathaniel!" His mother says, covering her face while mine claps in support.

"On the condition, that I go to one in New York." He finishes quickly making the cheers of happiness stop abruptly. My heart sinks at the deafening silence that takes the room hostage. "I've already looked at some school, I've applied and I've already been accepted into with my grades. I sent them some pictures of my sketches and Andy's tatbleeeee. Andy's table, I drew this little sketch on. Anyway, yeah they're all near Brown and we'd like to move together in August and live together when school starts in September." He finishes quickly, I watch the attentive eyes that were scaring me a little.

"I know it's a lot to ask but we really want to do this. I don't want to spend my university years without him." I say quickly as I look at him. "I love him." My parents already knew that but I was hoping it help with the decision since they were romantics.

"Is that the only condition?" Nate's father asks after some deafening silence.

"What do you mean?"

"You said on the condition that you go to New York with Andy, is that the only condition?" His mother explains her eyes darting between us. Nate looks at me hesitantly before nodding. They break out into cheers of joy as they along with my parents start celebrating.

"My babies going to university!" His mothers shouts running over to me and hugging me after she pulls me out f my chair. "Thank you Andy! Thank you!"

"So that's a yes?" I ask my brain lost in all the commotion.

"Of course! You said you already got accepted?! Why didn't you tell us you idiot?!" His father screams slapping him upside the head.

"I didn't want to get your hopes up too much." He says rubbing his head. "What about the living thing? You guys are cool with that."

"Like we could stop you anyway. You two are responsible and basically married, I say why not?" My father says  smiling widely.

"Yes!" My head snaps in the direction of Emily who runs down the stairs rejoicing. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She says hugging each of us before breaking off into a conversation with our parents.

"They said yes." Nate says looking at me with eyes of disbelief as his lips twitched into a smile. "They said yes!" He says lifting me in the air sending me in fits of laughter.

"We're going!" I shout happily wrapping myself around him as I kissed him happily, ignoring the presence of both our parents so overjoyed that I didn't have any cares in the world.

"Forever." He starts

"Always." I continue pressing our foreheads against each other's.

"No one else's." He finish pressing his lips to my own once again.

Shit. My babies!!!!!!!

Hope ya enjoyed your triple update! It took the energy out of me.

Thanks for reading guys, 3k is an achievement to me. Every milestone is important.

Until next time,
Byeeeeeee humanssss

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