Chapter 20

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Andy's P.O.V

I yawn as I walk into school, I'd spent the whole night listening to Matt rant about Chase. I may have been the first person he was able to talk to about Chase, so when he started....he didn't stop. He said every thought that ever went through his mind, the good and the bad, he just needed to get everything out and I let him.

I slept through all my classes until lunch. When I needed to sleep, I slept and nothing could stop me, even my Social Studies teacher shouting at me to wake up.

I never got why teachers were so prissy about sleeping in class, its not like if I would do any better awake.

I basically skipped into the cafeteria feeling refreshed after getting my much needed sleep. As I walked through the cafeteria, I noticed people moving out of my path. I frowned in confusion but decided to ignore it. When I reached the lunch line, they made a path like that one time with Nate. But Nate wasn't here, so why were they acting so weird?

Thinking about it, nobody has been bullying me like expected after Nate's announcement. Yeah they were some dirty looks but that was about it, my school wasn't normal enough to act like this.

After I quickly made my way through the line and sat at the usual table, I thought hard about what could be the cause of this weird situation. Did Nate frighten people so much they stayed away from me? Or is it possible he said something?

"What's with the frown?" Emily asked as she sat down at the table, bringing me out my thoughts.

"We're in school, is that even a real question."

"True." She replies with a chuckle, "just a few more days to Spring Break and we'll be free."

"Spring Break." I say letting out a breath, two weeks with just me, my bed and I. Most people went partying, I just slept a lot. I read way too many books and ate way too much food. It was honestly beautiful.

"What are you doing this year?" I ask.

"I didn't plan anything." She says slowly and I gasp,"I know I know. I just thought maybe David would want to do something, so I made myself available." She says blushing.

"Awwwwwwww." I drag on nudging my friend repeatedly despite her harsh slaps.

"It's not that big of a deal." She says avoiding my eyes as the colour doubles on her cheeks.

"Well it is to me." I say smiling.

"What are you guys talking about?" David asks as he and Nate slide into the seats next to us, David pulls Emily into a passionate kiss, while Nate plants a light kiss on my cheek.

"Spring Break." I answer.

"I can't wait." David says happily, "you guys are coming with us this year right?"

I frown as I looked at Emily, she looked just as oblivious as I was.

"He's talking about this trip we usually go on." Nate says, "he insists on us going somewhere for the vacation. No isn't really on option." Nate explains filling in the holes.

"The best part is that it's all on me." He says nonchalantly.

"So where do you guys plan to go this year?" Emily asks hesitantly.

"We are going to," He says with a drum roll. "Tomorrowland!"

"No fucking way!" Emily screams.

"Dude don't mess with me." Nate says clenching onto the table.

"I'm serious!" He yells back and I watch the three of them freak out like children.

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