For The Love of Me

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  • Dedicated to Crystal Lamb

Hey guys, this is new for me, but I love to write, so PLEASE give me your feedback and comments and vote if you like. There are 2 chapters here just so you know! Thanks :)



Slowly I lowered myself onto the edge of the bed. I looked sadly down at the stick in my hand. Two bright pink lines 

appeared in the little window. I couldn't believe it. I could feel the tears began to form in my eyes and I fought to keep 

them from coming. What would he say? I began to shake as the fear overtook me.

Looking over at the clock, I silently begin to say a prayer. Maybe he would get hit by a car on the way home.  

I know a harsh thing to say about the man that I called my husband, but in my situation, it was anything but. 

I would wait until I went to the doctor to tell him. No, he would be mad that I kept it from him and it wouldn turn out 

worse then it already was. I had to tell him. I had to face him. I snapped out of my trance when I heard the front door 


"Charlottle, where are you?" He asked. I could hear the anger in his voice already. Must have been a bad day.

"I'm in the bedroom. I'll be there in a moment." I said. My voice a bit shakey.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen, still holding the little stick. He was standing over the crock pot, where I had 

a roast simmering for supper. He likes roast for the most part. Some nights I am wrong and I pay for it. 

He looks over at me when I walk in the room.

"What? No hello? No, how was your your day dear?" He snears. There is a evil look in his eye and I pause in telling him. 

I can't help but be nervous. I really didn't know what to expect. 5 years of marriage and he scared the daylights out of me. 

I braced myself for the worst.

"I have something I need to tell you." I spoke quietly. I looked up to meet his eyes and he stared down at me quizikly. 

I lifted my hand and showed him the pregnancy test in my hand. It shook slightly in my nervousness. He looked down 

at it and took it from my shaking fingers.

"This is a pregnancy test." He stated.

"Yes, I'm pregnant." I again spoke softly. I was really starting to shake. What was he thinking? What was he going to do to me. 

I hadn't planned it. I was on birth control. There was no way in hell I wanted a baby with this...this monster. 

He walked over to the counter and put the test down. He put both hands on the counter and looked down. All in  

complete silence. I stood by the counter waiting on his reaction. I went to walk over to him when suddenly his hand 

shot out, backhanding me into a wall. I could taste the blood as I slammed into the wall. I slumped to the floor in tears. 

Not moving, I waited. He walked over to me and crouched down to my level. I flinched away, unsure of what  

he would do. His eyes pierced mine as he spoke.

"You did this on purpose!" He spat at me. I tried shaking my head, but it hurt to move.

"You did. So you will be the one to take care of it. If it makes it." His voice turning low and evil.

He got up and walked out the front door, slamming it shut and locking it from the outside. Yes, I am locked in my 

own home. I lay there for a few minutes and then I sobbed until I couldn't anymore.

Chapter 2

The man that I am married to today, isn't the man that I was married to 5 years ago. They say people change and well 

I wish I could go back and change it.


"Honey, are you sure you want to do this?" my mother asked me for the millionth time.

"Yes. Mama, he is so sweet and he takes care of me." I said, happily. Nathan was 32. Had a business of his own. 

Was handsome, with black hair and bright blue eyes. His smile would stop any woman in her tracks. He was mine. 

I was giddy. He had asked me to marry him a year ago and today I would be his wife. We hadn'  

lived together, but I had spent a few nights at his house. We never had sex though. He respected my wishes 

to wait until we were married. So yes, I was a virgin.

I stood in front of the mirror and slide my hands down the front of my wedding dress. It was beautiful and I felt 

beautiful in it. The low cut front was beaded just right and the ballgown skirt fit my hips just right. My raven hair 

was swept up into a beautiful bun with loose ringlets falling in front of my face. I felt like a princess. I turned around 

to look at mama and she had tears in her eyes.

"Mama what's wrong" I looked down at her lovely face. Even at 50, my Mama was the most beautiful woman I had ever  


"Baby girl, I love you. You are my heart. I think you are making a mistake. That man just doesn't settle right with me. 

I have been praying and praying about it, but honey, even God tells me he's not right."

I looked at her in disbelief.

"Mama, you know I love Nathan. He is a good man! A God fearing man." Mama shook her head, but said 

"Alright honey. You know I support you." I smiled and turned back around. At that time, my Daddy came busting in.

"It's time Baby!"

Present Day

The day we got married and he walked in through the door, was the last day I smiled. Our wedding night, he beat me 

black and blue because I didn't know what to do and I wouldn't "open up" for him. He called me a fridged bitch. That night was also 

the night I found out about his mistress. He had been with her since the day I told him I wanted to wait to have sex 

until we were married. I was a fool. I learned to do things his way. I kept the house clean, I had to quit my job because working and being 

a housewife couldn't be done. If I messed up or he didn't like it, I got beat. He tried to avoid my face for the most part, but sometimes 

he was in such a rage that he just hit me, no matter where it was. I hadn't seen my parents since my wedding day. He told me a good wife  

doesn't need her parents. I wasn't allowed to use the phone or leave the house unless it was with him. He bought my clothes. 

I wasn't allowed to wear make up, or cut my hair. It was like living in a prison. I didn't willingly have sex with him. I just laid there while he did 

whatever he did and then when he was done, I took a shower as soon as he left. I was a walking zombie for the most part. 

I missed my parents something awful and I wondered if they even knew I was still alive. I wished I would have listened to my Mama.

Here I was pregnant. A little life inside me. A heartbeat. I hadn't seen Nathan since I told him, but I knew I would have to talk to him again. 

I knew would have to make a doctor's appointment. And I knew I would have to lie to get out of the house. When I did, I was leaving and never  

looking back,

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