Chapter 5

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I am writing on Notepad, bc I dont have word, please bear with me until I get a new comp. I am having a lot of fun with this. SO, If I get 10 comments and at least 30 votes I will continue! Let me know if you like it! Loves!

Chapter 5

I stepped out onto the pavement and I almost cried. I was home. I did it. I actually did it. My head swam as I started 

to think about my life over the past 5 years and I had to find a seat.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Be careful there beautiful. We don't want you falling and getting hurt now!" a husky voice said. 

I looked up to see the sexiest brown eyes I had ever seen. He had deep brown hair and stood about six for four f 

from what I could tell from my sitting position. He wasn't fat, but wasn't skinny either. This man was sexy! That is 

the only way I could put it. He smiled a warm smile, something I wasn't at all famailiar with. His hands shot out to  

steady me as I started to fall on the bench. I instinctivly flinch, make me look at me with a sadness.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Just wanted to help you out." he said.

"I'm sorry. Just a little light headed. Thanks so much." I smiled up at him. He smiled back. Damn this man was sexy. 

I had to stop thinking like that. I just left my husband, I'm barking mad! He sat down next to me and extended his 


"I'm Tyson McGavin. It's a pleasure meeting you! Or catching you!" He laughed huskily. I smiled at him. I couldn't 

help myself.

"I'm Charlotte...Thomas" Giving him my maiden name. I didn't want to risk giving him my married name and him 

recognizing it.

"So, what's a beautiful lady like you doing out her alone?" I had to laugh at that line.

"Come up with that line all by yourself?" He grinned, showing his perfect teeth."

"Well, I had to start somewhere. I get tounge tied talking to beautiful women"

My heart tugged. He kept calling me beautiful. It was something that I had never heard before. He looked at me  

and saw the sadness in my eyes.

"Are you waitng for someone?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No. They don't that I'm coming. I haven't seen them in a few years and it's kind of a surprise. I grew up here, this is my home 

town actually. Would you happen to know Donna and David Thomas?" I asked.

His mouth dropped open in shock. He looked me up and down and shook his head in disbelief.

"You can't be! You are Donna and David's daughter? The one they haven't seen or heard from since her wedding day? 

The one they think is dead???!!" He nearly shouted. I was looking around to make sure no one was looking.

"Yes." I said quietly, "Do you know them?" He looked down at his feet, shook his head and then looked back up at me. 

His expression was blank. I couldn't read it.

"Yea, I know 'em. I work for 'em." He stated matter-of-factly. I couldn't help but stare at him. He came back over to me 

and took my bag from me.

"Hey! That's my bag!" I yelled.

"Nah shit Sherlock." He threw the bag in the back of a beat up pick up and opened the door. He motioned  

for me to get in and I just stood there with my hands crossed across my chest, tapping my foot.

"Get in." He said.

"Why should I? I don't know you!" I spat.

"You want to go see your parents or not?" I glared at him, huffed then got in the truck. I wanted so badly to 

lay down and see my Mama and Daddy, I would do just about anything. I sat silently as he got in the drivers  

side and started the engine. I smiled at the sound. I had missed the sound of a rough truck. 

I can't believe I let him take me away from this. From my life. From my lifestyle.

The main roads in Montana where smooth, but once you hit the dirt roads, it can be a tad bit rough. I think 

my head hit the top of the truck one or two times. I just grinned. Tyson kept looking over at me, silently appraising me.

"Is there something you want to say? You can keep looking all you want, but it's a bit uncomfortable." I bit my lip 

at that comment. Where was this brave girl coming from? I don't ever talk like this.

He looked back at the road for a moment and then back at me. "Why now? They think you are dead  

and you are coming back now, without so much as a phone call. Not in 5 years. You just disappeared. Was it that 

bad that you didn't want your little houty touty friends to know where you come from? Did you have fun sipping 

champayne and eatting cavier? Did you run out of money? Is that why you are running back to Mommy and 

Daddy? Want to take over the family business now that you have run out?" He ranted.

I looked at him in shock. Tears threatening, but never coming. I couldn't answer him. The words where stuck in  

my throat. Finally I stuttered " You have no idea what you are talking about." That's all I could say. I didn't  

have to answer him. I owed him nothing. He was just another ranch hand. I twisted my hands and looked straight 

ahead for the rest of the ride. It was silent. He sat driving angerily.

I finally saw the big ranch style house and I was so close to tears. We past the sign that read "The Rocking M" 

and I nearly jumped out of the truck then and there. We pulled up and before I could pull the handle a shot out 

and grabbed me. I quickly covered my face, expecting a blow. He saw me and let me go, eyes filled with  

confusion as he watched my reaction.

"I'm telling you now, I don't know what your motive is and I really don't care. But if you hurt these people in 

any way or use them, you will be answering to me!" His eyes glowed with distain for me. With those words he 

threw himself out of the truck and slammed the door hard. I sat there for a moment, waiting and unsure. He came over and opened 

my door, where I shot out and promptly vomited on his boots.

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