Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Laughing, we flung open the door and shuffled into the living room, our arms full of shopping bags. I told mama that she didn't have to get me clothes, 

but she just brushed me off and told me that I deserved a good wardrobe and a makeover. I think she bought out the whole town. I fell into a chair 

and let out a long sigh.

"Thank you so much mama. You know I will work my butt off to pay you back."

"Baby, you don't even worry about it! This a mama's job, to take care of her babies! You will find out soon enough" she chuckled. At the mention  

of motherhood, I let my hands drop to my protruding belly. I closed my eyes and thought of the little hands and feet I saw on the ultrasound earlier  

and couldn't stop the smile that started to spread across my face. I guess I nodded off, because I squealed when the door slammed shut. I jumped up  

prepared to sheild myself from whatever hit was coming, but it never came. Ty looked at me for a moment, startled at my reaction and then he just continued to 

stare. He looked me over once and then again, approvingly. I had cut my waist length hair to the middle of my back in layers, adding bangs to frame my face. I also had 

the girl add some blue highlights to my raven black hair. I had loved the end result. I was wearing one of the new outfits my mama had bought. A pink round neck 

peasent top with short sleeves and a beautiful gypsy skirt that was a mixture of pinks,yellows and oranges. It flowed around my legs, I felt like spinning around like a little 

girl to watch it flow out. I turned for him, so he could see the full outfit, and he smiled his approval. I couldn't help but blush. I don't know what it is about this man, but he  

made my heart leap and gave me butterflies. I haven't felt this way about a man in a long time and to be honest it was kind of scary.

"You look beautiful." He sounded a bit breathless and I grinned at that. He took off his hat and hung it on the hat rack.

"Your folks asked me to dinner. I hope you don't mind." He hooked his hands in his belt loops and cocked his hip to the side. A jolt of lust hit me hard. 

What the...I really don't know what's going on with me. Maybe it's just baby hormones.

"No, that's fine. They seem to really love

I heard mama call us to the kitchen. I walked slowly and he came up behind me, leaning down to my ear. 

"You smell good enough to eat." I shivered, I could feel his breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear.  

I covered my giggle with a cough and kept walking. We sat down at the table, daddy was already digging in. He looked over at us and smiled

"So tell me about your day, Baby Girl" he said as he shoveled a heap of food into his mouth. I laughed at him and began telling him what an amazing day it had been. 

The phone started to ring, so I stood up and walked over to the desk by the fridge. I picked up the reciever. "Hello?" I asked.

"Well, well, well, it seems the bitch ran home to mommy and daddy! Didn't think I would find you did you? Guess what bitch? YOU WERE WRONG! You are my WIFE and you WILL be coming home. Whether it's by the hair of your head or a body bag!" He screamed into the phone and I then I heard the dial tone.  

I couldn't move. Even just hearing his voice I was frozen in fear. My hand dropped to my side and and the receiver slide out of my hand and clattered to the floor. My body followed suit and I heard chairs scramble back as they all jumped to catch me.

Ty was the first to get to me, his eyes showing concern. I starred back at him, my mouth unable to form words. I just shook my head. I knew he would eventually find me. It had only taken 2 days. Ty shook me to force me out of my trance like state.

"It was him, wasn't it" I nodded. Mama and daddy stood nearby and Ty picked me up bridal style and took me to the couch. He sat down, but instead of sitting me beside him, he set me in his lap holding me close. It felt good to be in the arms of a man that I felt safe in. He was warm and it took the coldness that had overtook me away. I laid my head on his shoulder and he rocked me.

"What did he say?" Ty asked, when he knew I had calmed down enough to talk. Mama sat in the recliner and daddy sat beside Ty on the couch. I looked over to the them and saw the worry in their eyes.

"He me I ran home to mommy and daddy and that I was his wife.That he would bring me back. Whether it was by my hair or..." I trembled slightly, remembering the venom in voice and the words that he spoke. "In a body bag." I felt Ty's arm tighten around me when I said that. Daddy's face said it all. He was pissed.

"That no good mother f...." Mama stopped him before he good say the word. He stopped and slammed his fist down on the arm of the couch. I jumped out of habit and immediatly he looked sorry.

"Baby, why don't you go upstairs and go to bed. We will talk more later. You are pregnant and you don't need this stress on you." Mama was right. I went to get up, but Ty held on tighter and just stood up. He carried me to my bed and laid me gently down. I was too tired to change so I just pulled the blanket over my clothes.

"Thank you, Ty." I spoke softly.

"I'm here for you. No matter what. I won't let that monster come near you, if takes my last breath to do it."

My heart fluttered at his words and I closed my eyes and slid into sleep.

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