Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was beginning to think that I wasn't going to make it to Friday. It seemed like everyday I was doing something wrong. 

Supper wasn't cooked right. There was a dish still in the sink. His shirts weren't folded right and they were too close 

together. I kept my prayers silent as the days went on. At least he wasn't forcing me to have sex. That in itself was a blessing. 

As Fridays neared I was getting more and more nervous. I had packed a bag and hide it in the basement. He never went done there. 

That was my domain. I didn't make the abortion appointment, but I did make a OB so I could see how 

far along I was and if I was healthy enough to continue. I would be 100 miles away when this happened. I was giddy and anxious.

That night laying beside the man that was my husband, I couldn't sleep. So I prayed. Lord, I have relied on you and now 

I am making my move. I know this man is my husband, but I can't keep taking this. For the love of me and my child. 

I want to be able to go out without bruises and not be locked in a house all day. Forced to have sex with a man 

that is supposed to love me and cherish me. I know you have a plan for me Lord. Keep me in your will.

Morning dawned and Nathan got out of the bed and went into the ajoining bath. I got up and got dressed, making my way to the  

kitchen to make sure his coffee was ready to go. He came out dressed and ready for work. He grabbed his coffee 

and walked to the door. He turned around, he looked at me with eyes so cold.

"Make sure that little bastard is gone by the time I get home, You hear me you stupid slut?"

I nodded in response. I didn't even tear up. It was time to fight back. I was done being his doormat and slave. 

He shut the door and I heard the car back out of the driveway. Thank you God! I rushed to the basement and  

grabbed my bag. It wasn't all that heavy, seeing as I don't have that many clothes. I grabbed my money and put 

some in my pocket and the rest in my bag. To make sure no one took it all if they stole my bag. I walked out  

the door and the sunlight hit me like a giant blanket of warmth. I hadn't felt the sun in so long I had forgotten 

what it felt like. Walking down the street my nerves calmed and I saw the bus station around the corner.

Here it is! This is the day I am leaving my prison and heading to freedom. The corners of my mouth tugged as 

I smiled for the first time in 5 years. I walked into the terminal and bought my ticket. I knew that if I went home 

he wouldn't be able to get past my parents. He would be shot on arrival. I smiled again. Home. The bus pulled up 

and I got on, took my seat and slept like a baby for the first time, in 5 years.

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