Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Charlotte!" I turned at the sound of my daddy's deep voice. I wiped my mouth and ran directly into his arms. 

He squeezed me so tight, like he never wanted to let go. I didn't want him to. I stuck my nose in the crook of his  

neck, breathing in his musky scent. I had missed this. I pulled away enough to get a good look at his face.  

David Thomas was a good looking man. He had the raven black hair that I had inherited and deep green eyes. 

His face looked worn from worry and stress, but when his eye caught mine that's when I saw the tears. 

This man, the man that kissed away my boos boos and read to me at night. This man that had worked harder then anyone I  

knew. He had tears in his eyes. I had never seen him cry. Over anything. Even when he gave me away, he never 

shed one tear. I took his face in my hands and shook my head, silently telling him that I was really here. That 

his baby girl was home.

At that moment, my mama chose to walk out and see what was going on. She looked over to daddy and me and 

her mouth dropped. As did her body. She fell to her knees and her hands went to her mouth, tears streaking her face. 

I ran to her and fell to my knees, pulling her to my body in a hard hug.

"My baby! My sweet baby girl! Thank you Lord!!" she cried as she held me and rocked me. My mother's arms 

felt like heaven. Again I stuck my nose in the crook of her neck and took in her scent. She laughed when she  

realized what I was doing. She never knew where I go it from, but I always would smell them. They had their 

own scents and I had them stuck in my head. She drew back and took in my thin face and tired eyes. She shook 

her head and I think she knew that I had had a rough few years.

"You are really here. I can't believe you are really here. I think you might need to pinch me, because I don't  

want to wake up if this is a dream!' She gushed.

"I'm home Mama. I'm home." I smiled. We stood up and my daddy walked up and grabbed us both into a  

warm hug. I laughed as we walked into the house, feeling like I was safe for the first time in a very long time.

*****Tyson's POV*****

I stood to the side, shaking the vomit from my boots.

"What the F..?" but I never got finish. David shoot out of the house like a bad outta hell. I had never seen that man move that 

fast. Ever. He stood on the steps of the ranch house for a second and when his eyes caught the sight of the woman that had 

just puked her guts out on my boots, he said "Charlotte!" and he ran. He grabbed her up in hug that would have crushed a bear. I don't think he wanted  

to ever let her go. They exchanged looks and I saw tears in that big man's eyes. Then Donna came out. I guess she had heard the commotion 

and came to check it out. She then fell to her knees on the porch and Charlotte ran to her mother. They held each other and cried. They looked so happy 

that their long lost daughter had finally come home.

I had seen the sadness in Charlotte's eyes at the bus station, but now nothing that she was home, for whatever 

reason. It just didn't settle right with me. After 5 years, she just turns up out of the blue? No phone calls, no visits? You just leave the state and never 

look back. What kind of person does that to their parents. I didn't know her motive, but I sure was going to find out. If it was the last thing that I  


I wouldn't let her hurt the people that I love dearly again. They didn't deserve it.

********Charlotte's POV*********

I walked into the house, everything just like it was before I was dragged away. The room smelled of honeysuckle and autumn air. It was October. 

My favorite month and time of the year. The leave where changing and the air smelled crisp and clean. Daddy didn't seem to want to let me go, but 

mama assured him that I wasn't going anywhere. So he went and busied himself with the fireplace. In Montana, October evenings where a bit chilly. 

I walked with Mama into the kitchen and sat down at the table, while she pulled bisquits and peach cobbler out of the oven. My stomach went crazy  

as the smell hit my nose. I hadn't eatten since I left, so I had every intention of stuffing my face.

"Baby, I have miss you so much. We thought you were dead! No calls, no letters. We had lost all hope!" She said. She sat down across the table from me  

and studied my face.

"Mama, there is a lot to explain, but I am so tired and hungry and all I really want to do is enjoy you and daddy and then I will explain." I said. She nodded and got  

up to set the table. I stood up to help, but she shooed me away.

"Not tonight sweet girl. Tonight I am going to spoil you and later on you can help." I smiled at her and sat back down. Daddy came in the room and 

sat down beside me, smiling like a kid on Christmas. Mama sat after all the food was on the table. Daddy took my hand and I took mama's. I bowed my 

head and daddy prayed.

"Lord, I wish I could just say a simple prayer right now. But my heart is so over joyed with happiness and love, I don't think I can just thank you for  

the wonderful meal that my beautiful wife prepared. Lord, you guided my daughter back to us! I have no words to express how thankful we are to you. 

She is home! Lord, thank you!" he finished and I could hear the tears in his voice, but it was happiness tears.

Daddy didn't talk much during the meal, neither did mama. I don't think they knew what to ask or what to say and I had said that I just wanted to eat 

and talk later. I helped mama clear the table and while she and daddy did the dishes, I walked up the stairs to my old room. Nothing had changed. 

I laid down on the bed and curled up on my side. I closed my eyes and thought of tomorrow. Tomorrow I would explain it to them. I would tell them 

everything. I would also tell them, that they would be grandparents.

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