Chapter 15

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Tys's POV****

I rounded the corner of the hospital corridor, my eyes automatically scanning the hallway scene. Donna and David where both crying, Donna heaped in the floor. The doctor was standing there, looking sullen. 

" What's wrong Doc?", in my gut I knew, but the words needed to be said.

" While you were gone she coded Ty. We brought her back, but it doesn't look like she is going to make it."

He spoke the words and silent tears coursed down my face.  I couldn't bring myself to go into her room.  I stood there, like I was frozen in time. My heart hurt so bad. My mind was racing. I have to save this woman. This wonderful, loving woman who came into my life. In that moment, I fell to my knees and let the tears fall and silently I prayed. 

Lord, you brought this woman into my life. She helped make me a better man. She allowed me to see past my hatred and see love for what it really was, please Lord, don't take her from me. Don't take her from her child that has yet to meet her. Please Lord, I beg you! Take me! If you have to take someone take me! My shoulders shook as the sobs over took me.  As I continued to pray, I heard a small voice, almost like a whisper. 

"Get the baby"

I wiped my face and stood up. I passed Char's room and walked down to the nursery where tiny cries were coming from. I walked to the door and knocked. A nurse in pink came to door and opened it.

"Can I help you sir?"

"Yes mam, I want to see my daughter. Charlotte's. Room 303. She's been here a while. There has been so much..." I was at a loss for words. 

She nodded and went to a nearby crib. She wrapped her securely in a pink blanket and brought her to me. I held out my arms and she placed her snuggly there. I looked down at the most beautiful face I ever seen. She had a tuft of black hair, just like her moms. She smelled so good. 

"Can I take her down? They said she might not make it and I want her to meet her mom before she goes. She may not remember but I will."  The nurse again nodded and I walked down to the room where she was. When I first stepped in, I couldn't stop the tears from coming as I walked in. David pulled up a chair, but I sat down on the side of the bed.

"This is Abigail. She looks so much like you."  I told her. I knew she couldn't hold her but I took her arm and laid them across her chest and laid the baby there. Then it came to me. I heard of newborns been born dead, but when they laid on their mom's chest they started breathing again. I had to try! I had to see what would happen.

 I told Donna to close the door and I pulled down the hospital gown from Char''s chest. I took the baby and unswaddled her and placed her face down on her chest. I held her there for a few moments before I spoke.

"This is your daughter Char! This is your lifeline! We need you in our lives! Please don't leave us!"

I watched her face for signs on movement. Then I watched as her fingers move slightly. A flinch. Then another. Then her eyelids fluttered. Abagail started to whimper. I watched in tearful amazement as Char's arms came up to rest against our daughter's tiny body and her eyes open fully to look at me and whisper "thank you" 

I yelled for Donna and David and the doctor, anyone that I could. They came bursting through the door and yelled to the heavens. Thanking God for bringing their baby back. I sat their watching the love of my life holding our precious little girl. She looked down at her and then back at me. She had come back from the brink of death. She took my hand and held on like she would never let go.

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