Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Tyson's POV

I hoped she liked it. She had to liked...Oh my gosh, what if she didn't like it? I was driving myself nuts! I had been working on a surprise for Charlotte for weeks. I think I might have been more excited then she would be. I mentally laughed at myself. She wouldn't just like, she would love it!

Thanksgiving had come and gone, now Christmas was just around the corner. Charlotte and I had gotten closer the in the past few weeks, barely leaving each other enough to work and sleep. This woman had captured my heart in ways I never thought any woman could. She was loving a thoughtful. Sincere in everything she did. She was the most amazing woman I had ever met. The more her belly expanded, the more her heart grew. 

With Christmas coming, I had so much to finish and plan. Donna and David knew my plans and they had been very mum about it. Even when Charlotte had tried to get it out of them. This year would be a Christmas to remember.

********Charlotte's POV*********

I felt like a duck! I waddled everywhere I went! I couldn't see my feet anymore! My very pregnant belly took up almost my whole body! But I enjoyed it! It felt like I had a Mexican jumping bean inside me. She was growing so big. The doc had estimated me to deliver in mid-January, but she seemed to be running out of room in there. I had tossed around baby names, but hadn't decided on any. Christmas was nearing and the ranch was busy, also with the Christmas party being planned and decorating and all the cooking. It was a madhouse!

Mama and daddy through the biggest Christmas party every year. Everyone in town would come. There would be food and dancing. We all had a good time. I couldn't wait. Apparently neither could Ty. He was being sneaky and no one would let on about what was going on.  Do you know how frustrating that is?! 

The eve of the party, everything was set and I was getting ready. Since, the only thing I could wear was maternity clothes, it was hard to find a pretty dress for the party, but I had settled on a bright red knee length dress with ballet flats. I wore my hair in loose curls and added jingle bell earrings for extra flavor. By the time I was done a few guests had arrived and mama was greeting them at the door. 

I noticed Ty immediately and smiled at him when I walked into the room. He crossed to me and scooped me in his arms. Kissing me softly. 

"Hello beautiful" He whispered in my ear.

"Hello handsome" I whispered back. He smiled and kissed me again, sending shivers through my body. He always had that affect on me. As the night went on people stopped and talked to me, asking about the baby and how we were doing. Asking about Ty and me. It was nice to be able to talk to people and socialize.

The night went on and soon everyone went home. Ty lingered, helping clean and straighten up. When we were done, I thanked him, kissed him and started to head upstairs to bed, but he stopped me on the first step.

"Baby, would you come home with me tonight?" I stood there a little shocked at first. This was the first time he has asked me to stay the night with him.

"I would love to!" I smiled, told him I would go grab a few things and be back down. When I was finished, he helped me with my coat and helped me into the truck. I told mama I would be back in the morning and she just nodded and smiled. Ty held my hand all the way to his place. I only been there are few times. We had had dinner and watched a few movies. But always taking me home at the end of the night. 

It was a beautiful one story ranch house, just inside my parents land. It  had 3 bedrooms, two baths. A beautiful kitchen with stainless steel appliances. I loved cooking in his kitchen. It was homey. We got there and it was starting to snow. It was going to be a white Christmas. We got inside and we got some coffee. Sitting down and talking about the evening.  I rubbed my back, it was starting to hurt. I guess he noticed, because he came around and started to rub it for me. It felt so good, a little moan escaped me before I could stop myself. He leaned down and kissed my neck, causing me to moan again. I closed my eyes as his hands worked on my back, up to my shoulders.  I stood up and turned around to face him, my lips hastily finding his.  

My arms wrapped around his shoulders as we kissed and he picked me up bridal style, carrying me to his bedroom. He stopped at the door, seemingly unsure.

"Are you sure you are ready?" he asked, he forehead touching mine. I kissed his lips and smiled, 

"I have never been more ready in my life."  He opened the door and walked in slamming it shut with his foot. He laid me down on the bed and at first I was nervous. I had never had a good experience with sex. It had always been forced and painful. This was a new experience for me. 

"You will have to show me. I don't know what to do." I blushed as I spoke. I felt kind of stupid for admitting it, but he had to know. He took off his boots and then his shirt and sat down beside me on the bed. He lifted my dress over my head and threw it on the floor. A smile played across his mouth and he ran his thumb across my lips. His eyes traveled down my body, the devoured me.  He pressed his mouth to mine, hungrily.

He whispered in my ear, " Honey, we have all night." 

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