Chapter 10

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Sorry it took me so long to write, I had a bit of direction Vote/Fan/Comment! Let me know if you life it! Good things to come! Who else wants to see Nathan get a beat down??

Chapter 10

Weeks went by and I settled into a nice routine. No one would let me get on the horses, but daddy let me train a bit to get back in the habit. Ty watched me like a hawk, rarely taking his eyes off me long enough to work. In the evenings I would help mama with supper and we would all sit and have nice conversations over the meal. Ty would stay for one or two nights a week. Mama had said once or twice that she thought that he was getting a hankering for me, but I just shook it off. I told her that I thought he pitied me. That's one that I didn't want was pity.

I felt stronger everyday, even though I was carrying around a nicely rounding belly. In the next few days I had another doctor's appointment and I was so excited. I would find out what it would be and me and mama could get started on the nursery. I had also sent divorce papers to Nathan. Three times to exact. Each time they came back with "You'll get yours BITCH" scrambled across the top.  He refused to sign, so daddy's lawyer had gotten us a court date to see if the judge would grant it due to the fact that he was abusive and I could prove it.  There had been no more phone calls, although I still was on edge and rarely went town on my own.  Mama was going with me the doc's tomorrow and she was just ask excited as I was.

Dinner came and I sat down next to Ty, who was eating with us again. He rubbed my back when I sat, knowing that it was starting to hurt more now that I was on my feet more. I smiled to him and we started to dig in. When everyone was finished, he turned to me and laid his on mine.

"Um, Charlotte, I got something I want to ask you." 

"Yea sure!"

"Well, I know it's an extremely personal thing, but I was wondering if I could go with you to the doctor's tomorrow?" I stared at him for a moment. He wasn't this child's father, but he wanted to go with me. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind at all." I smiled up at him. He grinned from ear to ear, like he had been given the greatest gift in the world.


"Well Ms. Charlotte, there is the head," the doc said pointing to the screen, "and there are the feet and it looks like you have....a girl!!" he exclaimed.  I had tears running down my face and I looked to Ty and I thought I saw one slide down his face.  He smiled at me and held my hand. The doc finished up and told me he would see me in another 6 weeks to make sure I was growing well. He said I looked so much better then the first time he saw me and congratulated me on my belly growth. I blamed it on mama. I couldn't help but smile as we walked out.  Ty said he had some stuff to pick up from the feed market and mama said he needed to go down and get some flowers from the florist. I told them I felt like a little walk in the towns park and that I would meet them there when there were ready.

Turtle Lake Park was the prettiest park I think in two counties. There was a small pond with koi fish that was surrounded by Aster and Toad lillies. The trees weren't overbearing just enough to provide shade in the summer months. The leaves were a stunning shade of oranges, red, and golds. I love the smell of fall. It was crisp and clean. I found a bench by the pond and lowered myself down. The breeze was nice and I dozed off to the sound of the leaves rustling. I didn't hear the footsteps approaching, so I wasn't prepared for the attack. 

He grabbed me up and closed his hand over my mouth before I couldn't scream. I could smell his aftershave and knew immediately who it was. Tears formed in my eyes before he could speak.

"Flithy whore! You thought I wouldn't come for you? You thought I would just let you get away with leaving me?" he voice was cold and dead. I could feel his eyes travel down my body to my expectant belly." I see you didn't get rid of the little shit, I guess I will just have to take care of it myself!"

I heard a pop and his hand raised above my head. My eyes followed as he stopped in mid-air. My breath caught as I realized what he was held so tightly in his fist.

A knife.

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