Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

******Tyson's POV******

Sleepily, I drove my old pick up the Rocking M's long dirt road. The night before had been a rough one. I tossed 

and turned, every time I closed my eyes, I saw Charlotte. I saw her sad eyes and heard her sexy voice. I finally 

slipped into sleep about 3am and gotten up 3 hours later. I had work to do. At the Rocking M, it's always a constant 

stream of work. Cattle to get in, horses to train. It was neverending, but I liked it like that. I liked staying busy.

I pulled up to the main house first, hoping to get a little breakfast, since Donna was the best cook in the whole county. 

I could smell bacon as I walked in the door, pulling my black stetson off and hanging it on the hat rack by the door.

"Morning Ms. Donna" I said as I turned the corner into the kitchen. She smiled and put a pile of heaping hot back on 

the table.

"Morning Ty. How was the drive this morning?" She asked.  

"It was good, a little foggy and it's a bit cold. The weathers looking to get worse from here on out. It's going to 

be a really cold winter, but I think we can handle it." She nodded her head, scrambling eggs and flipping pancakes.

"I think we will be good. Since we have Charlotte back home, she will be able to help out." she smiled as she continued 

"She is good with those horses. I know she missed being in the saddle. Oh! Did you and her get to talk?"

"Yes, mam. Um, I don't mean to pry, but did she say why she is back? I mean I know it's not my business, but you folks 

have done so much for me and you are pretty much all the family that I have. I don't want to see ya'll hurt again. I mean 

she is back after 5 years of nothing!" I got a little louder with that, feeling a bit uneasy about I said, but it had to be said.

"No Tyson. I do not know why she is back. She was tired last night and didn't really talk, but I am telling you this. I am that girl's 

mother and I know when something is wrong and something is very wrong. She looks run down and hurt. That girl used to fire in her  

eyes and now..I don't see so much as a spark. That man, that Nathan piece of shit she married, I don't know what he did 

to her, but I am going to find out. I know you are looking out for us and I appreciate it and I know David does also, but I finally 

got my little girl back and I am not going to let her go!" She said with a passion I have never seen. I have also never heard 

this woman ever speak a cuss word until right then.

I gulped and nodded. "Yes,mam. I will look over for you guys though."

"I know Honey" She said with a smile.

A big burly figure slammed through the kitchen door and stomped his feet. David was always the first person  

out in the barn. No matter what. He shook off his coat and looked up and smiled at me.

"Morning there Ty!" His face was so different then yesterday. He looked like a light had switched on in him. He walked over and 

sat down next to me, sipping his coffee as he waited for the rest of breakfast to be put on the table.

"It's going to be a good day Mama!" he said with a smile. Donna walked over and set the rest of the food down.

"Yes it is Daddy"

I smiled at both of them. One day that will be me I hope. Good Lord willing. I was still waiting for the right one to come along. 

Too many women out there just want to use a man and that just ain't my taste.

"I'm just gonna go up and wash my hands" I said as I stood. I made my way up the stairs and opened the  

bathroom door.

"Hey!" When I heard her voice, my head snapped up. She was scrambling to cover herself, but what I saw 

made my heart stop and my heart thud.

She was covered in black and blue and a baby bump.

*****Charlotte's POV*******

I tried to cover myself, but it was too late. At least I had my underwear on. He looked at me and his eyes scanned me. 

I couldn't speak. He stalked over to me and I flinched away. He sat on the edge of the tub and turned me to face him. 

Slowly his fingers traced every bruise, turning me around and taking in each and every one. Then his hands touched my belly. 

I felt the tears fall, I hadn't realized that I was crying. He looked up at me.

"He did this to you?" he asked quietly. I nodded. I could tell by the look on his face that he felt ashamed about the  

statements in the truck yesterday.

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok." He continued to look at me. Like he couldn't believe what he saw.

"DAVID!! DONNA!!! GET UP HERE NOW!" I jumped as he shouted my parents names.

"Please! I haven't said anything to them yet!" I tried to grab a towel, anything to cover myself.

"They are going to see this!! And they are going to know what that bastard did to you!" His brown eyes gleamed 

with hatred for my husband. He stood up and walked to the door. I heard the footsteps on the stairs. Mama and 

daddy walked into the room and just stared at me. I felt uncomfortable enough standing there in my underwear, but 

I didn't have the energy to fight. Mama's eyes stared to water up and daddy stood there with his fists clinched. 

Tyson talked slowly with daddy, I could tell, trying to calm him down. Mama grabbed a robe from the closet and 

wrapped it around me. She threw her arms around me and we both cried.

Daddy spoke first. "Baby, you take a shower and get dressed. No work today. When you're done we will talk." 

He hugged me softly and walked away. Mama let go and walked downstairs. Tyson walked over to me and 

took me in his arms. He hugged me gently and pulled away. I felt so safe in this man's arms. I never wanted  

him to let go.

"I'll wait downstairs." with that he walked away.

Today was the day I explained. Today was the day I stopped being afraid.

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