For The Love of Me

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A/N: Ok guys, like I said I am new to this, so please let me know how I am doing. If you like and so on. :) XoMegs

Chapter 3

When Nathan finally came home, 2 days later, he wasn't in much of a better mood. I knew that he had spent those days with 

Her, but there was nothing I could say or do, so I never said anything about it. The bruise on my face was nowhere near close to being 

healed. I could barely open my right eye, but he didn't say anything when he saw it. Just gave me a hateful look and went into the bedroom. 

I heared the shower turn on, so I knew I had a few minutes to do what I had to. I slowly and silently moved into the bedroom and saw  

where he had laid out his clothes. I searched his wallet and pulled out a few hundreds. He never counted it so I knew 

he wouldn't notice it was missing. I had been doing this for a 3 years now. I had at least ten thousand hid away.  

When I say that my husband is loaded, I mean it. He owns his own clothing company called QueenieB. He is a multi- 

millionare. You would never know it by the looks of me. He dresses me like a frump. Even though my body is nowhere  

near looking that way. I am five foot 8 and have curves. I am a size 14, but I am not fat. I loved my body at 

one time. He makes me feel like I'm a troll. I look in the mirror and see ugly. Ever since him.

I scurry out of the bedroom as I hear the shower turn off and go into the kitchen. I had my stash and go over to 

finish the chicken I had going on the stove. It must have been a good enough dinner for him, because he finished 

it off without a word. He went to the fridge and took out a beer, all of this is done without saying a word to me. 

I clean up the mess and started the dishwasher and went to the laundry room, all the while plotting my escape. 

I could hear the TV turn on and football being watched. I walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. 

I had to talk to him and I was trying to work up the nerve to say what I needed to and get it right.

I mustered up the courage and went into the living room and stood beside the chair he was in.

"What do you want bitch" He slurs. I know he's had a few at this point.

"I want to talk to you about the baby, I mean the um..problem" I stammered.

"Yea, what about it!" he snaps.

"I scheduled an abortion, It's this Friday. It's the only day they had. I can take a bus. I'll be back before you get home."

He looked straight ahead and didn't say a word for a second. And then looked at me.

"I think that is the smartest thing you have ever said." He slurred. "I'll leave the house unlocked and you better 

be back before I get home. If not you will get a ass beating you have never had before."

In my mind I was thinking I highly doubt that. I silently thanked God for this. I knew I would be getting out.  

Iknew that me and my baby would make it. I just hoped that Nathan wouldn't find me and make me pay for  running.

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