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Chapter 14

Ty's POV

I paced the hallway as I waited for the doctor to come out and tell me something. Anything. Donna and David sat in silence. I could read the heartache and worry on their faces.  The door opened to the operating room and I bummed rushed the surgeon.

"She lost a lot of blood.  We got the baby out, but right after she went into shock, and her heart stopped. We got it beating again, but..." He looked to Donna and David.

"BUT what DOC!?" I yelled.

"Ty, she is in a coma. Like I said, she lost a lot of blood. Everything she had, she was using to give to the baby. "  He shook his head as he spoke. " That baby girl is a miracle. I can't even comprehend how she is a live. Or how she made it here for that matter. The stab wounds to her abdomen were all on her right side. For some reason, today, the baby decided to curl into her mom's left side. I have never seen it before. She is about 3 weeks early, but she was a good weight and length. 7 pounds 8 ounces, 19 and half inches long. We are going to keep her in the neonatal unit for a few nights, but she should be ok to go in the nursery after that. As for Charlotte, only time will tell if she wakes up. I'm sorry Ty, Donna, David. We did the best we could."  My head spun as I tried to get a grip on what he was saying. She may never wake up.

I sat down, for fear of falling to pieces on the cold floor. I can't do this alone, I had finally found my missing puzzle piece and she was going to be taken away from me. 

"Doc!?" I called after to him, " Can I see her? And the baby?" 


I walked to the elevator and took it to the 9th floor.  I crossed the hallway that lead to the NICU and I was told to wash my hands and put a gown on. I did so and was let into the unit. I could hear babies cry and nurses shuffling along to take care of them. The nurse lead me to a small room with a rocking chair and small crib like bed. I walked up to it and tears filled my eyes as I took in the small delicate creature.  She was sleeping, her eyes closed tight and her eyes scrunched. They had her wrapped tight in a pink blanket and had warming lights on her. She had a head full of chocolate brown hair. She was mine. This was my little girl. I fell in love with just one sight. One look. 

"Can I hold her?"  The nurse nodded and came over to help me. She instructed me to sit in the chair and she told me she would bring her to me. She lifted her up and I saw her immediately start to squirm, she let out a cry. She was not happy that she was being moved. The nurse laid her in my arms and she was a perfect fit. Just like Mama. She turned her face into my shirt as to smell me and I swear I saw a smile cross that little face. She snuggle closer to me and fell back asleep. I sat there and rocked this precious bundle, thinking about how much she needed her mother.  

I laid her back down and kissed her head. It was time to go see Charlotte. I found my way back down to her room and let out an exasperated breath. She looked so frail. Her skin was pale and drawn. I sat down next to her and kissed her hand. Tears fell there and I couldn't hold them back. 

"Baby, I need you. Please don't leave me. We have the most beautiful daughter and she needs you. She needs us to be together. God sent you to me when I needed you the most.  Please don't leave me like this." I sobbed to her. 

I was so distraught that I didn't hear my phone ring the first time, by the second time I had calmed down enough to grab it. I noticed the caller Id, it was the town pub. Why and the hell would they be calling me.

"Dell, I can't.." I began.

"Ty, I think you better get down here." Dell said solemnly.

"What is it? Char's in the hospital. She's bad."

"Ty, her ex-husband is here. He's bragging about what he did, man. I thought I should let you handle it. We all love her Ty." He said.

I felt everything in my body go numb. That asshole had the balls to go back into town and brag about what he did?!! I kissed Charlotte and told Donna and David that I had something to take care of and got in my truck and drove insanely back to town. I got out of my truck and tried to see past the red in my eyes, but I couldn't.  I almost wrenched the door off it's hinges. I scanned the place, until I caught sight of him, his back was to me, so when I ripped him out of his seat by his hair, he didn't see it coming. He yelped as he tried to grasp onto something, but I continued to drag his ass out of the pub, into the back parking lot.  

I threw him into the side of the building and when he fell to the ground, I took the opportunity to kick him. I had thought I had knocked him out, but when I turned to leave, I heard and rustling and then felt the blade of the knife scrap my shoulder. I yelled out and turned around to face him. He shuffled from foot to foot, looking like a tiger ready to pounce.  I just stared at him.

"So I guess you think you are justified in what you did?" I stated.

"The little slut deserved it. I told her she wasn't going to leave me. And the little shit well, I told her to get rid of that too. She didn't, so I did." He spat.

"Well you see, you sick pathetic bastard, I don't take too kindly to a lowlife piece of shit trying to kill the woman and child that I love." I saw his eyes shift and took my opportunity. I kicked the knife out of his hands and tackled him. Straddling him, I punched him in the nose and then again in the jaw. He grabbed my cut shoulder and took me down, punching me in the jaw and then again in the lip, I tasted the blood, but kept on fighting. 

He then took off, searching frantically for the lost knife. I saw the glint of the blade and dived, as did he. He grabbed me from behind and  put a chokehold on me, pressing the knife to my jugular, but thank God for teeth. I bit into his arm and when he let got I twisted his arm, the knife flying out of his hand yet again, landing in the dumpster behind the bar.  

I heard the sirens in the distance, I decided to walk away and let the justice system take care of him, but as I did, he grabbed me from behind choking me. I twisted around, trying to free myself of him, but his grip was tight and I was losing strength.  I took everything I had in me and slammed my head back into his, making him stagger back and fall, but when I turned around to face him, I hadn't expected to see what I saw. His eyes locked on mine and then shifted down to the pole sticking out of his abdomen. Blood trickled out of mouth and then the life went out of him. 

I hadn't noticed the small crowd that had gathered near the door, so it kind of shocked me when I heard cheers coming from there. I fell to the ground, my head was pounding.  The sheriff came around the back and shut off the siren. He got out of the car and came over to stand by me. He whistled a low whistle and shook his head.

"Well boy, you sure did give him a good ass whoopin. Can't say anybody will miss him. Sorry son of a bitch." he said. "Go get cleaned up and I'll get your statement and get this mess here settled. As soon as we are done you can get back to Charlotte and that baby. I'm sure they are missin you. We are praying for you son."

I nodded to sheriff and made my way inside. Silently, I said a pray. Asking God to forgive me, but I sure hoped that sorry ass burned in hell.

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