Chapter 8

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Thanks so much to everyone that is reading! I am in love with this story and it's hard for me not write!  This kind of a filler chapter, but you get to see a bit of Charlotte's town and of course find out more about the baby. There is a lot more to come! SO please vote and comment, let know good or bad! Thanks!

Chapter 8

Finishing up in the bathroom, I closed the door and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. The food on the table remained untouched. The tension 

in the air could have been sliced with a knife. I sat down next to daddy and he hugged me to his big body.

"Alright baby, tell us everything." he said quietly. I put my arms on the table and told them everything that had happened over the past 5 years. 

Being beaten almost everyday, being locked in the house and never being able to go out. The forced sex and verbal abuse. Being told that I was 

worthless and I didn't deserve the life I had married into. No phone, no way to write. Hiding money so I could go and then finally, the most important 


"I prayed everyday for a way out. I was so scared I never thought I would be able to get the strength to do, but then," I paued for a moment and then 

let out a long breath. "I found out I'm pregnant. When I told him, he backhanded me into a wall. He told me that I did it on purpose. Mama I would never. 

I was on birth control and I guess when I got sick, they stopped working. I couldn't think of anything, but saving my baby. I told him that I had  

scheduled an abortion. That's what he wanted. He left to door unlocked and told me to get rid of the "bastard". That's when I left. I got all the monet I had saved. 

got on a bus and here I am." I finished with a sigh. Daddy still had his arm around me and mama was holding my hands. 

I looked up to see Ty pacing the floor. I couldn't really read his face, his emotions played across it in waves. His fists were clinched and he seemed mad enough 

to hit a wall, but then he turned and took a seat across from me.

"You aren't going to the police?" Ty asked.

I shook my head and chuckled. " There would be no point. He has a ton of money. He would pay someone off and then I would be handed right back to him"

Daddy turned and looked at me. " He will NEVER touch you again! You are home now and we are far enough out if that piece of shit comes anywhere near here I will  

beat the daylights out of him." His eyes gleaming in promise. I kissed his weathered cheek and smiled.

"He probably is trying to figure out where I am now. I can see him pacing in my mind" He shivered in fear.

"You have nothing to worry about here, Char. The men will be told to be on the look out and if he even lays a finger on you I will shoot it off." Ty stated. His eyes held mine 

in that moment and I knew what he said was true. My heartbeat raced at that statement. I didn't know what it felt like for someone to care that much about me.

"Alright alright, now that that is settled, let's heat up the food and chow. It's going to be a busy day and we still have a lot to mull over. Charlotte, we need to make 

you a doctor's appointment today. Make sure you and my grandbaby are doing good and then we are going to get you a mini makeover. Baby it's time you start letting 

that fire show." Mama said with a smile on her face. I'm so happy to be back!


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