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I was at in my room under my covers and I felt defeated. I shouldn't feel this way but I do and I don't understand. Why doesn't he want to do anything with me, am I not good enough. My phone buzzed, it was him, Zander. I didn't answer, I don't want to talk to him right now. I needed to talk to someone but I don't have any friends I can talk to. My phone kept going off so I looked at it.

"Hey" Zander texted.

"Is something wrong"

"Why aren't you answering"

"I'm worried about you"

"Please answer"

"Rena please"

"Star girl please answer me"

I didn't answer, instead I went to the train station so I could just sit on the train and think. I ran into Trent when I got there, that's just great. 

"Hey Foxy." Trent said.

"I'm not doing this shit today Trent." I said, I kept walking.

"Foxy wait up, we need to hang out sometime." I stopped.

"No, not after what you did, I'm not going to let you hurt me like that again."

"I've changed, I miss you Foxy."

"You've changed? I totally believe you."

"Foxy, I promise, just let me take you out."

"DON'T CALL ME FOXY!" I started crying then and everyone in the train station was staring at me but I didn't care I ran away but he caught my arm this time and he kissed me. I pushed him off, Zander.

"What the hell Trent!" I yelled, I was crying even harder now.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself please just let me take you out Fox-Rena." Trent said

"Trent, I have a boyfriend, no."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah Trent I do, I'm not going to sit and wait for you to come back, I move on!" But I haven't moved on, I just act like it.

"You've left me." He seemed really sad now but I was still angry. 

"Yeah, I left you a long time ago when you decided to kiss that bitch right in front of me!"

"I''m so sorry."

"Sorry my ass, you were the first person I ever loved and you cheated on me, that hurt, it really did."

"Please, I swear I've changed just give me a chance."

"Tell someone that cares." I walked over to the train and got on, I need to think. Zander doesn't think I'm good enough but Trent seems to. No I can't go back to him not after seeing him kiss my sister. 

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