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Oh my god guys, the last chapter, after this there is only the epiloque left. Thank you for all the support. You all are the best❤ Thank you for the inspiration and everlasting support.

'I-is she alright?' Tessa asked really worried. 'She has a lot of healing to do mentally and physically. Each will come in time, we need to keep her here for a good few days. Then she is ready to return' she nodded while the doctor walked away.

'Where am I?' I asked Tessa, she looked different. Healthy but oh so worried.

'You are in the hospital, a few girls beat you to pulp and well you were in a very bad condition' she said. 'How long was I out?' I honestly didn't want to know the answer.

'You have been in a coma for a few months' she whispered. I sucked in a breath and tears formed in my eyes.

None if it was real, my love for a man who wasn't real, my children who weren't real and Viola who wasn't real. Everything was just a big joke. I am still in prison, I don't know what love is, I haven't seen my parents or my siblings. I am not going to school, I don't have work. The more I thought of it the more I began to cry.

'Tessa I lived I very different life while I was out' I whispered. She sighed, 'I was afraid for that, you were happy weren't you?' she asked. I nodded, 'I was healthy, got out of prison and met someone. I was pregnant just like you. You were there too. We fought a lot but in the end we were still best friends. I don't know how but it was good, I had my life back but then I started to hear those voices. It was too good to be true after all' I whispered.

'He asked me to marry him, to have his children I was finally happy and then this happened. I woke up' I cried and crawled under the covers.

Her breath hitched while watching at my broken body. 'I am so sorry for not being there' she whispered. 'Don't you dare to apologize, I messed it up so bad' I said. She nodded, 'yes you did but please don't be scared anymore you are here because of your parents. Your parents forced you to sign, you were a minor. I am getting you out of this, I hired one of the best in New York city we are getting you out of this trust me on that' she said holding my boney hands. I looked bad, really bad.

Too skinny, bruises all over the place and pain. I am in a lot of pain. My bones are like sticking out, and well let's say that I don't look good.

It been a few days before I could return to the prison and my own cell. I had a lot of nightmares the first few nights, I couldn't eat and everything hurts.

Now it's time to return to my cell and I feel horrible. I felt like a prisoner again, I shoveled straight towards the cellblock. My eyes were eying everything in a very crazy way. Everything fell silent when I walked in, they heard my feet scrape over the floor of cement.

I hugged myself before shuffling towards Lucia, the only one I can trust right at this moment.

She saw me coming and stood up right away before walking towards me, she catched me in her arms and hugged me deeply. 'You will be okay' she whispered while she rubbed my hair in a very calming motion.

'Inmates' the guard yelled. She gave the guard a "fall dead" look and well this time it worked because he shut up. 'Come on' she whispered and helped me to the cellblock I ones shared with Jamie. Lucia sat me on the bunk bed and hold my chin. She inspected my face and body. 'You look horrible dear' she whispered. I nodded.

'What the hell happened to you?' Dana asked, I sighed 'I don't really know all I know Is that someone beat me into some coma and I've been out ever since' I whispered.

'You were in a come they told us you were transported just like her, the one who beat you. You made a nasty fall on you head what caused for more trouble that they told us' she said. 'Is she really gone?' I asked and Lucia nodded.

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