Chapter 3

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"Jungkook I said stop! I'll fucking slaughter you if you touch my books ever again!" Jungkook smirked, holding 'So You're In Hell.'

"What's it about hyung?" Yoongi was fuming.

"Get out." He wasn't yelling. He had to hold it in.

"But I want you to read it to me!" Jungkook giggled and when Yoongi went to snatch the book, he ran.

"Kim Jungkook I swear to fucking poptarts I'll kill you! Give me my shit!" Jungkook tripped over Hoseok's trap, which was just a string from the bottom of the sofa to wherever he's tied it.

" leg hurts." Jungkook had tears in his eyes. Yoongi didn't care.

"Why were you even born you cunt." He grabbed the book and Jungkook's arm, dragging him to the front door.

"H-hyung?" Yoongi opened the door and flung the small boy out. Then he locked the door and walked back into his room.

"Hyung! I'm sorry please let me back in! My leg hurts and it's cold! Hyung please!" He was already crying.

Minutes passed and Jungkook just knew the door wasn't opening for a while, so he decided to try to make it to his dad's place of work. Did he know where it was? Doesn't matter, cause his arms gave out as soon as he'd made it out of the grass and into the street. His ankle was beginning to bleed and it was a bit swollen. He began whining. "Appa....come home."


Seokjin saw from his window a little boy from the crazy house next door sitting in the middle of the street, crying.

There was a car coming, pounding on the car horn like crazy. The kid didn't move. He was holding his ankle.

Seokjin felt a rush of something unidentifiable build up inside of him. He ran outside, and the car stopped. Seokjin snatched the small boy up and he immediately started squirming.

"Are you fucking crazy?! You let your son play in the middle if the fucking road!? Are you just waiting to get rid of him?! Parents like you shouldn't exist!"

The child immediately stopped squirming as he heard the shouting. They both looked to see an angry man getting out of his car. His wife didn't seem to pleased to be stopping.

"First off he's not my child! Second off who's the one swearing like a sailor infront of a- how old are you kid?"


"Oh...well who's kid is he?" Seokjin looked to the house with all of the children. He was holding one.

"I don't have time for this. Keep that kid on a leash or something." He got back in his car and Seokjin walked out of the street.

"Why are you outside?" Seokjin tried to hold the fear in his voice and focused on the boy with the swollen ankle.

"H-hyung wouldn't read me his book and so I wanted to play and I took it and fell and then- and then he got the book and then he- he locked me out."

"He locked you out?" He nodded. "Are you hurt? You said you fell." They were now in his house.

"My leg." He was pointing towards his ankle.

"Poor thing. Let me get you something. It looks pretty painful." Seokjin got his first aid kit and came back to Jungkook laying half on the floor half on the couch.

"Um...I'm back." He didn't know how to treat a child especially one like that one.

"I'm Jungkook, but you gotta call me kookie." Seokjin nodded, attending to his ankle.


"Where the fuck is Jungkook!?" Namjoon was furious. Yoongi shrugged.

"I think he's still outside. Maybe he got hit by a car. Maybe he got kidnapped." Namjoon grabbed the boy by his collar and they were nose to nose, but he soon released him. Tears were brimming his eyes.

"Please go find him." Yoongi rolled his eyes and got up, putting his phone down.

"Fine." Namjoon glared sadly at his eldest son as he strolled out the door, bored expression on his face.

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