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"Hey hyung, what cha up to?" Yoongi dropped his phone as I smirked at him. Hoseok tends to scare all of his brothers by sneaking up on them. But I knew for a fact that he was texting a certain someone.

"Hey Hoseok, what's up?" Hoseok looked at him funny but shook it off.

"Oh I just wanna find out how to form a bro pack with you, we are the oldest and we need to be the closest." He scooted closer to Yoongi and hugged his brother. "So how will we do this?"

"I don't know, and not to burst your bubble but I don't think I want to." Hoseok pouted. "I really didn't mean it that way, but people are already shipping us even though we are brothers in this story, so we could just be you know...friends. Don't ever say 'we need to be closer' again. But let's handshake to friendship."

"Handshake to friendship!" They shook on it and then laughed. "We need to get an actual handshake and then have inside jokes..." He rambled on as I zoned out. I wonder what Seokjin is doing today.

Didn't that kid say he was coming over today? He kind of reminded me of an innocent version of Hoseok. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up being friends.

"Also, appa told me that your boyfriend is coming over?" A smirk came onto his lips.

"He isn't my boyfriend, we barely know each other and I just thought he was a nice guy. Gosh this universe is an endless cycle of misery." Yoongi groaned.

"Who kissed who first?"

"Does death accept requests?" Yoongi silently wondered.

"Don't be like that Yoongs, the first step to being closer to your brother is spilling all the tea." Yoongi gave me a disgusted look as I looked at Hoseok. "And Yoongi kissed him first, TWICE!"

"Oh my gosh hyung!" Hoseok picked up the older boy and spun him in a circle while hugging him. Yoongi kept screaming to put him down when there was a knock at the door.

"Is it your boyfriend or Appa's?"

"We are not dating!" We both screamed.

Hoseok still got up to answer the door and smiled. "Appa~ guess who's here."

I couldn't help the smile that came onto my face when I heard that familiar chuckle. It was Seokjin, my favorite Neighbor.

"Hey hyung."

"Hey, how you doing?" He strolled in with his hands in his pockets. I noticed something different. "Come...here for a second." He smirked and walked slowly up to where I was.

"No way."

"How does it look? I've been watching videos on how to get everything perfect since I had nothing better to do." He chuckled.

"It looks beautiful." I mumbled. His eyes looked brighter due to the dark eye makeup and his lips looked pinker than normal. His whole face just looked softer in general the more I looked at him.

"Ooh, Mr. Seokjinnie looks pretty." Jungkook ran from where he was most likely hiding and giggled, sitting on the couch with his feet under him.

"Thank you, you boys are so kind." He gave Jungkook a kiss on the cheek and me a smile. I smiled back.

"So, when is the boyfriend coming?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Yoongi groaned and went to his room.

"Since when did Yoongi hyung socialize though? We don't go to school and we have no friends." I sighed.

"Remember when the police came to our door?"

"Which time?" That was a slap to the face.

"Most recent." Hoseok thought about it, and then snapped.

"oh yeah, hyung was mad at kook for taking his phone or something and they were gone for a long time. I seriously thought one of them were dead. "He shook his head and looked at the ground. "But...is that why he got so mad? He was texting some guy?"

"No no no, he met him when they were out. The kid found Jungkook for Yoongi and took care of him." Seokjin pointed a finger.

"That was so nice of him, and last night he came over. It's a shame that none of you came down, he was so sweet. "

"Youngjae hyung is really nice, he has a cute dog named coco and another named cookie, cookie is a big dog that is very scary- but he is nice." The 11 year old explained. "Ooh, and he has a brother a Yugyeom oppa!" I choked on my spit and I heard Seokjin laugh a little.

"O-oppa?" Jungkook nodded.

"He said that I was so cute and that cute boys call hot boys oppa."

"Do you know what he was saying?"

"That I'm cute?" He tilted his head and poked his pout.

"Hmm yep you are very cute." I agreed.

His smile was so bright that it was contagious. "You're so cute, like a baby bunny." Seokjin crouched down to his height and squished his cheeks. When his high pitched laugh sounded, it was as if someone released a drug into the air where nobody could stop smiling.

"Please don't ever get any bigger, little Kookie is just too adorable. "

"Appa...you have me, I'm adorable right?" It was Jimin speaking. Where was Taehyung?

"Jimin, you are cute I admit, when you want to be."

"What if Kookie grows taller than me? I'll be the adorable one then?"

"What's this about?" Jimin shook his head.

"Nothing important appa, I was just cu...cur...um..what's the word?"


He smiled. "That." He looked out the window and pointed. "Someone is parking in our driveway."

We all looked and I smiled. "Guys, I want you to meet Youngjae, Yoongi's boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Jimin asked with a smile.

This chapter was shit lmao I'm gonna try to ease into the namjin and I have a nice short that would make you shit your pants but I'll save that for when namjin actually gets together hehehehehe

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